- It has been authorized by another legal norm of a higher rank. 它已经得到另一条最高层次的法律规范的认可。
- Judicial Interpretations on evidence of administrative procedure and related legal norms II. 行政诉讼证据司法解释及相关法律规范2。
- It is a process to create the exact legal norms when the gap-filling in law faces the special facts. 摘要漏洞补充乃是针对特定的生活事实,建构恰切的具体法律规范的过程。
- The central issue that the contemporary methodology of jurisprudence try to resolve is the gap or contradiction between legal norms and case. 摘要现代法学方法论所要解决的核心问题是法律规范与案件事实之间的缝隙或矛盾。
- But because of lacking clear legal norm, unordered phenomenons of land circulation behavior took place occasionally. 但是,由于缺少明确的法律规范,无序的土地流转行为时有发生。
- In the level of legal norms,civil enforcement procedures exist the three-tier structure for a balance between survival and claims. 在法律规范的层面,民事强制执行程序存在着平衡生存权与债权关系的三层结构。
- Third, the conflict of legal norm and legal supervised pattern leads to that the duty of forestry administrative office is indefinite. 二是完善林业产业化相关法律规范,严格森林采伐许可制度,完善对非公有制林业的保护,填补法律的空白,解决与林业产业化相关法律规范之间的冲突。
- Althought it is helpful to make good laws with this view, it is important to think about legal norms with the justiciary interpretater’s view in China today. 本文在司法阐释的立场上,分别重述了奥斯丁、凯尔森、哈特、拉兹和德沃金等人的法律规范理论,并讨论了认识法律规范的几种观念:作为认识客体的法律规范、作为行为规则的法律规范和作为解释文本的法律规范。
- Religious groups other than the Catholic Church in different Italian conflict with the legal norms under the premise of the right to conduct its own charter organizations. 天主教以外的其他宗教团体,在不同意大利的法律规范相冲突的前提下,有权根据其自己的章程进行组织。
- As the main means of social control, the functions of the legal norms can be divided into five kinds---guiding, predicting, assessing, educating and coercing. 作为社会控制的主要手段,法律规范所具有的作用或功能主要有五类,即指引作用、预测作用、评价作用、教育作用、强制作用。
- The reciprocity of consanguineous relation and legal norm determines the value-orientation of the proprieties toward the blood order of classes and ethical harmony. 血缘人伦与礼法规范的相互作用决定着礼法的价值取向是血缘性的等级秩序与人伦和谐。
- Chapter two On the basis that introduce crime concept of the network in the criminology meaning , come to discuss the legal norm of the network service from two respects. 第二章在以犯罪学意义上介绍网络犯罪概念的基础上,从两个方面来谈网络服务的法律规范。
- All nations should follow the purposes and principles for safeguarding international peace and security contained in the Charter of the United Nations and other relevant international legal norms. 各国应遵守《联合国宪章》维护国际和平与安全的宗旨和原则,以及有关的国际法准则。
- Following this rule, we must further defineand insist in one of the principles to review the legitimacy of theadministrative legal norms on which the administrative organ work out thespecific administrative act. 遵循这一规律,并进一步明确应坚持对作出具体行政行为的依据进行合法性审查、附带性审查、选择性审查的原则。
- The legal norms, adjusting it, are mainly to find the electronic signature technology that has the basic functions of signature, thus establishing its legal effect, which is the identification of technical standards and has strong objectivity. 法律规范对电子签名加以调整,主要表现在对符合签名基本功能的电子签名技术予以认定,从而确立其法律效力,这实际上是对技术标准的认定,具有较强的客观性。
- Application of law is intended to maintain a legal system while abuse or absolutization of legal interpretation may jeopardize it in many aspects, including impairment of legal norms. 法律适用是一个维护法制的概念,而法律解释的泛化或绝对化隐藏着很多瓦解法制的危险,其中最主要的是可能淡化法律的规范作用。
- Though legal norms play a decisive role in a judge's judgment by precedently limiting the content of judgment, they can not provide the judge with more detailed information for his judgment. 摘要法律规范对法官裁判具有先决强制力,对裁判内容作出事先的限定,但法律规范无法为法官提供审判所需的更为详尽的裁判信息;
- The focal point of the legal norm is the cultivation of new mechanism (That is, promoting structural transformation). We should also affirm, support and protect special investment introduction policies. 东西联动的法律规范重点在新机制的培养(促进体制转换),应当确认、支持和保护特殊的投资诱导政策。
- The cognition of irregularity in our country's criminal law is the cognition of legal norm, the cognition of irregularity in our country is equal to formal irregularity in Germay and Japan. 我国刑法理论上所讲的违法性认识是指对法律规范的认识,相当于德日刑法理论上所讲的形式的违法性。