- Is Legal Nature of Commercial Ads Offer Invitation? 商业广告的法律性质是要约邀请吗?
- Legal nature of documentary credit is disputable in practice and theories. 关于信用证的法律性质在理论和实践上存在很大争议。
- The first part defines the conception of operators'safety guarantee obligation and discusses its legal nature. 第一章界定了经营者安全保障义务的概念,并探讨了其法律性质,指出经营者安全保障义务是以法定义务为原则,约定义务为例外;
- The Friend-of-a-Friend system raises many issues, quite a few of them of a social or legal nature. 朋友的朋友系统提出了许多问题,其中许多问题本质上是社会和法律问题。
- There are different opinions towards the legal nature of the rape happening in marriage. 关于婚内强奸行为的定性问题,理论界众说纷纭,莫衷一是。
- The second chapter focuses on the legal nature and constitution of imaginative jointer of offenses. 另外,这一章还介绍了我国关于一罪的分类体系,并对实质一罪、法定一罪和处断一罪的概念作了界定。
- How to define the legal nature of scalping remains a disputable issue in the world securities industry. 摘要如何界定“抢帽子交易”的法律性质,在各国证券界一直存在争议。
- This article based on law, discussed that the theory origin of durchgriff , the legal nature, the constitution important document thoroughly. 本文以规范分析为起点,探讨了公司债权人直索权的理论渊源、法律性质、产生条件等基本问题;
- For the time being the theoretical community has no unanimous final conclusion with regard to the issue of the legitimacy and legal nature of virtual property. 目前理论界对于虚拟财产的合法化问题以及其法律性质问题仍无戏统一定论。
- These exchanges served to outline a certain number of problems linked with both the legal nature of the structure and the process of introducing legislative and statutory texts. 通过交换意见,概述了一些与学会结构的法律性质和采用立法与法定条文有关的问题。
- The legal nature of the liability of warrant for defects has different doctrines in different developing courses, mains in legal responsibility and debt nonperformance. 瑕疵担保责任的法律性质,在其不同的发展过程中,产生过不同的学说,主要有法定责任说和债务不履行说。
- It analyses the legal nature of leasing right, holds the point that the ship"s financial leasing right shall be regarded as usufructuary right in practice.4. 3、剖析备受讨论的租赁权性质后,笔者认为船舶融资租赁权在实践中应作为用益物权对待。
- The paper enumerated some representative definition of guild at home and abroad,expatiated the understanding to guild and discussed the legal nature of guild. 列举了国内外对行业协会的有代表性的定义,阐述了对行业协会的理解,并对行业协会的法律性质进行探讨。
- Medical accident should also include medical error besides liability accident and technical accident.The legal nature of medical accident is tortious liability. 医疗事故除包括责任事故和技术事故外,还应包括医疗差错。
- It's only human nature to want a comfortable life. 想过舒适的生活不过是普通人的本性。
- Various problems and huge potential risks arising from charging rights pledge are attributed to the unclear charging rights classification and confusion of its legal nature. 收费权质押贷款中出现的种种问题和巨大的潜在风险,都和收费权的分类不清、法律性质认识混乱有关。
- The legal nature of contracts of donation, and those which are related to it: the conditions and legal consequence of rescinding donation, the scope of donee etc. 赠与合同的法律性质及与之相关联的撤销赠与的条件和法律后果、受赠人范围等问题,必须依合同法的立法宗旨得到准确解释。
- At present,owning to the imperfection of legalization,the legal nature of guilt had dispute in the layer of practice. 目前由于立法的不完善,导致实践层面对行业协会的法律性质存在争议。
- All nature seemed pregnant with life. 整个大自然似乎充满了活力。