- The rain drip down from a leak in the roof. 雨水从屋顶的裂缝中滴漏下来。
- A whole tankful of gas dropped away because of the tiny leak. 由于这个小小的漏洞,整整一油箱的汽油都漏光了。
- You must shut the gas supply off if there's a leak. 煤气泄漏时,必须把截门关上。
- The legal guardian must act on behalf of the child. 法定监护人应该维护这个孩子的利益。
- A small leak will sink a great ship. [谚]小洞沉大船; 小患不治成大灾。
- The old pound note is no longer legal tender. 旧制的英镑纸币已不是法定的货币了。
- The rain dripped down from a leak in the roof. 雨水从屋顶的裂缝中滴漏下来。
- He is the only legal heir of the rich man. 他是这位富翁的唯一法定继承人。
- The company bears the legal cost of both parties. 公司负担双方当事人的法律费用。
- He is consulting the company's legal adviser. 他正在与公司的法律顾问进行商量。
- Your only recourse is legal action. 你只有靠诉讼了。
- As a temporary shift, he covered up the leak with a plastic bag. 作为权宜之计,他用塑料袋把漏洞给包上了。
- Again, we have to consider the legal implications. 再者,我们还要考虑到法律方面的含义。
- We stopped the leak in the gas pipe by means of lead. 我们用铅堵塞了煤气管上的漏洞。
- Should euthanasia be made legal? 是否应将安乐死合法化?
- The news of the radiation leak caused widespread public alarm. 辐射泄露的消息引起了公众的普遍恐慌。
- Prince Charles is the legal heir of the crown. 查尔斯王子是王位的合法继承人。
- Everyone should be guarded by legal barricades. 人人都应受法律保障。
- We were perplexed at her interest in legal matters. 我们对她在法律问题上的兴趣感到迷惑不解。
- A great leak was filling the ship with water. 海水正从一个很大的漏洞往船里灌。