- legal foundation course 法律基础课程
- We don't refuse the ones whose foundation course are worse. 华一不拒绝基础差的学生。
- In essence, the legal foundation of public participation is transparency. 实质上,公众参与的法律基础是透明度。
- Open source licenses provide the legal foundation for propagation of open source code. 开放源码许可为开放的源代码的传播提供法律基础。
- For a one year English course and one year foundation course, how much fund is necessary for visa purpose? 一年的英语课程和一年的预备课程,大约需要多少资金证明来签证?
- Organizational behavior,as a major foundation course in MBA and MPA programs,is highly important to students. 组织行为学是MBA、MPA课程体系中一门重要的专业基础课,对学员学习其它相关课程及其实际工作具有重要影响。
- The naissance course of historical materialism in the foundation course of historical epistemology. 摘要唯物史观的诞生过程表现为历史认识论的确立过程。
- International co-operation is therefore essential, and a world-wide legal foundation must exist for the tracing and recovery of corrupt proceeds. 故此,国际合作是不可或缺的。必须建立全球性的法律基础,以便追查及搜寻贪污赃款。
- Dendrology is one foundational course in the Specialty of Forestry. 树木学是林学专业的专业基础课。
- Lane H.Blumenfeld.Russia's New Civil Code:The Legal Foundation for Russia's Emerging Market Economy[J].The International Lawyer,1996(Fall). 许新.;转型经济的产权改革--俄罗斯东欧中亚国家的私有化[M]
- But in our country in the National People's Congress system, the administrative extroversion surveillance had not the legal foundation for existing. 而在我国人民代表大会制度中,行政外向监督并没有存在的法律基础。
- "The multilateral treaty will have a more binding force and lay a legal foundation for good-neighborly ties among the member states," Chen said. 他还表示.;”这个多边条约将会有更大的约束力,并为成员国之间的友好的睦邻关系打下坚实的法律基础。
- Finally, the thesis submits the principle and legal foundation of auditorial system during the leader"s tenure of office. 最后,提出了经济责任审计的原则和法理依据。
- Studies CFD the foundation course, includes various inter-species differences cellular and the high accuracy essence non- vibration algorithm source program. 学习CFD的基础教程,含有各种差分格式和高精度本质无振荡算法源程序。
- Gramma is the foundation course of composing writing. To create an outstanding and accurate sentence for an article is for you to be familiar with the English grammatical rules. 这是我学语法后,自己造的一句句子,请教大家一下,有语法错误吗?或是别扭的地方?
- Because secretive interview has its jurisprudential and legal foundation on which it exists, it is a valid rights.But it has many forbidden zones in law. 隐性采访有其存在的法理支撑及法律基础,是一种合法权利,但它也有诸多法律禁区。
- In my first year in Loughborough College foundation course, I enjoyed my time in the college and toke pleasure from both the academic and extra-curricular activities. 在第一年拉夫堡学院预科阶段,我很喜欢我校园的时光,从学术和课外活动中获得很多乐趣。
- Lawyers from groups such as the Washington Legal Foundation, a pro-business public-interest law center funded partly by drug companies, might bring the case that would topple it. 来自不同团体(如华盛顿法律基金会-一个部分由药物公司赞助的负责商业和公众利益的基金会)的律师可能会推翻这项禁令。
- Chapter 2 mainly analyses the theories of legal foundations and the effect of possessory lien on ship. 第2章主要是对船舶留置权成立的要件及效力问题进行了理论分析;
- Business Intermediate Following on from the Foundation course, the Intermediate course allows participants to master not only daily conversations and basic business vocabulary, but also more specific business situations. 商务中级商务中级是基础级的提升,在语言能力上不仅要求学员熟练的运用日常口语、商务词汇,还要求学员能根据不同的商务环境和文化展开并深入话题。