- I work from left to right, he works contrariwise. 我从左边干到右边,他从右边干到左边。
- The roof slants upwards from left to right. 屋顶从左向右朝上倾斜。
- From left to right: Sisi, Franz and Rudolf. 从左至右:茜茜、弗朗茨、鲁道夫。
- Hunter rs keen eyes swept from left to right. 汉特尖锐的目光从左到右扫视了一下。
- We write from left to right,he writes contrariwise. 我们从左向右写,而他正相反。
- Hunter' s keen eyes swept from left to right. 亨特的尖锐目光从左到右扫视了一下。
- Her handwriting slants from left to right. 她写的字从左往右斜.
- Specifies a gradient from left to right. 指定从左到右的渐变。
- I work from left to right,he works contrariwise. 我从左边干到右边;他从右边干到左边.
- Hunter's keen eyes swept from left to right. 汉特尖锐的目光从左到右扫视了一下。
- The soldiers numbered off from left to right. 士兵们从左到右报数。
- She zigs and zags from left to right. 全家动手做烧卖,我拌的馅,老公和老爸包的烧卖。
- Left to right: Father , Xiaohui Ma , niece ,mother. 从左至右:父亲;马晓晖;侄女;母亲
- Repeat the above, but flying from left to right. 由左向右飞行,重覆执行上述的步骤。
- My eyes swept from left to right. 我从左到右扫视了一遍。
- A slice is a curving shot from left to right with severe sidespin. 右曲球是一种带有相当于顺时钟旋转导致剧烈向右弯曲的击球。
- A slice is a curving shot from left to right with severe side spin. 右曲球是一种带有相当于顺时针旋转,导致剧烈向右弯曲的击球。
- Number them in sequence 1, 2, 3 etc, left to right on each line. 每一行,从左到右,按123的顺序数。
- We write from left to right, he writes contrariwise. 我们从左向右写,而他正相反。
- The company numbered off one by one from left to right . 该连士兵由左向右报数。