- leave a gate open 敞开大门
- You mustn't leave the gate open. 你不要敞著大门。
- Critics said that the Road to a gate open, there will be more troubled businesses to save the queue waiting for the Fed. 批评者说,这道闸门一经打开,将有更多陷入困境的企业排队等待美联储解救。
- Prop the gate open with a brick. 用一块砖支着大门让它开着。
- He found a brick and propped the gate open with it. 他见到一块砖头,然后用它把大门撑开。
- I will leave a message with the receptionist. 我会给前台小姐留个口信。
- They prop up the gate open with a brick. 他们用砖挡住门,防止门被关上。
- Leave a radio at the patient's elbow. 在病人手边留一个收音机。
- Her behavior will leave a stigma on her family. 她的行为将给她的家庭留下污名。
- A gate that performs the Boolean operation of implication. 执行“蕴含”布尔操作的一种(逻辑)门电路。
- Mr Kent is out of town just at present. Can you leave a message? 肯特先生刚好不在家,你可以留个话吗?
- Leave a good safety margin between your car and the next. 要在你的汽车和另一辆车之间留出一段足够的安全距离。
- He put a gate across the opening in the fence. 他在围墙的开口处安了一个门。
- A guard,porter,or watcher of a gate or tower. 看门人大门或塔前的卫兵、服务员或看守员
- I left the gate open this morning when I left home. 我早上离开家时没有关大门。
- Let's finish the job off. Don't leave a lot of loose ends hanging over. 这点活儿干完算了,别剩下半半拉拉的。
- A gate that implements the OR operator. 一种实现“或”运算(符)的门电路。
- Propthe gate open with something. 用什么东西支着大门让它开着吧。
- We came to a hedge with a gate in it. 我们来到一个有门的围篱那儿。
- Prop the gate open with something. 用什么东西支着大门让它开着吧。