- The children showed a little constraint in the presence of the new teacher. 孩子们在新教师面前显得有点拘束。
- We felt a little constraint with the new teacher for the first day or so. 在开头一两天, 我们对新教师感到有点拘束。
- Gauss principle of least constraint [力]高斯最小约束原理
- Asocial movement is autonomous insofar it can independently decide its strategy with little constraint from the allied party. 在自主的情境之下,社运组织较有能力独立设定自己的策略,而不受到联盟政党的限制。
- Soon tired of the constraint of military life. 很快厌倦了军事生活的约束
- We should brush our teeth at least twice a day. 我们每天应该至少刷两次牙。
- A good cigarette will smoke at least ten minutes. 一支好烟至少可以抽10分钟。
- I have not the least idea about how to play bridge. 我一点儿不知道怎样打桥牌。
- She may be slow but at least she's reliable. 她迟钝是迟钝,但无论如何她很可靠。
- Not in confinement or under constraint; free. 自由不受约束的或不受限制的; 自由的
- I was not surprised in the least. 我一点也不感到惊讶。
- None of you can complain, Peter least of all. 你们谁都不应抱怨,彼得尤其不应该。
- He has been there at least twice. 他至少去过那儿两次。
- He is not interested in math in the least. 他对数学一点都不感兴趣。
- I was surprised at what he said, to say the least. 毫不夸张地说,我对他的话感到吃惊。
- She showed constraint in the presence of the strangers. 她在陌生人面前显得很拘束。
- He should at least have come to say good-by. 他至少也该来道个别(然而却没来)。
- He did not compromise in the least on this matter. 在这件事上,他一点也不妥协。
- I hope to getaway next Monday for at least a week. 我希下星期一出去度假,至少一星期。
- It will take at least one month for the broken hone to hear up. 骨折至少要一个月的时间才能愈合。