- learning technology design 学习技术设计
- Technology design of coal preparation plant. 选煤厂工艺设计。
- The Exchange Intelligent Message Filter is based on patented machine learning technology from Microsoft Research. Exchange智能邮件筛选器是以Microsoft Research拥有专利权的机器学习技术为基础的。
- They are friends rivaling with each other in technological design. 他们在工艺设计方面是互相竞争的朋友。
- IEEE Learning Technology Standards Committee(LTSSC),Learning Object Metadate (LOM)[S]. 教育部教育信息化技术标准委员会.
- It also gives an introduction of an application instance of this technology design for sedan car's manufacture. 最后介绍了该技术在轿车协同设计仿真环境中的应用。
- Groupware is technology designed to facilitate the work of groups. 群件是一种技术,是为了便于群体工作而设计的。
- Even some bosses think it is unrealistic to learn technology, but only to do current business is real, so they reject learning knowledge. 有些老板干脆认为学习是虚的,只有眼下的生意才是最实的,从而轻视学习、斥学习。
- Insist on absorbing and cultivating elitist of technology,design, manufacture and service. 持续培养和凝聚最优秀的技术、设计、制造、服务人才。
- Tower forging technology design of car wheel bearing has been introduced with design of die. 介绍了轿车轮毂轴承毛坯的塔锻工艺设计及其模具设计。
- Do I think that which learning technology the store or foreign the local flavour eatery should get rid of Pisa cake open? 我想开比萨饼店或是外国风味的餐馆该去哪学技术?
- According to the actual demand of large port mechanical design, product configuration technology design based on blend reasoning is proposed. 根据我国大型港口机械设计的实际需要,提出了基于由实例推理和规则推理构成的混合推理的产品配置技术。
- But the government levies taxes on those enterprises, workers get wages from them, and we learn technology and managerial skills. 但是,国家还要拿回税收,工人还要拿回工资,我们还可以学习技术和管理
- In this text the characteristics and technical requirements of 125 MW steam turbine body are analyzed.The casting technology design is introduced. 分析了125MW汽轮机阀壳铸件结构特点、技术条件,在以上的基础上介绍了125MW汽轮机阀壳的铸造工艺设计。
- The problem of misclassification cost in supervised learning appears in the process of machine learning technology applied to the reality in recent years. 监督学习中的误分类代价问题是近年来机器学习技术走向现实的过程中产生的。
- The application of GFRP in the technology design of omnibus and the development trend on this field are introduced in detail. 介绍玻璃纤维增强塑料在大客车造型设计上的应用及其制造工艺的发展趋势。
- KOTI is a newly-established cosmetics company specialized in the science and technology design, production, sales and trade of cosmetics products. 公司简介:哥弟KOTI是一家集科技研发、工业生产、销售贸易为一体的、年轻的专业化妆品有限公司。
- Responsibility: 1. Work with leading edge technology design (design documentation, coding in C++, Erlang or Scripts), GS...... ... 公司名称:纬创软件(北京)有限公司上海分公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-8-4
- To address the second problem, we try some machine learning technologies on untagged corpus. 在此基础上,我们利用未标注语料针对第二个问题做了进一步的实验。