- Dansereau, D.F., Holley, C.D., Collins, K.W., Brooks, L.W., &Larson, D. (1980).Effects of learning strategy training on text processing. 苏宜芬(民80):后设认知训练课程对国小低阅读能力学生的阅读理解能力与后设认知能力之研究。
- Learning strategy training and academic motivation training of foreign language together had significant effect on the level of learning strategy, the level of academic motivation and foreign language achievement. 外语学习策略和动机双训练能显著提高学生的学习策略水平、学习动机水平和学习成绩。
- Much of EFL listening comprehension strategy research has focused on the identification of strategy used by successful listeners and the approaches of language learning strategy training. 目前大量的外语学习策略研究主要集中在识别哪些是成功的听力学习者所使用的策略及学习策略训练方法,而对语言初级学习者在听力策略训练后使用策略时的不同表现研究较少。
- languge learning strategy training 语言学习策略培训
- Language learning strategy training 语言学习策略培训
- Language Learning Strategy Training and English Reading Instruction 语言学习策略训练与英语阅读教学
- learner strategy training 学习策略训练
- How to Conduct FL Learning Strategy Training in Chinese EFL Classroom 如何在课堂教学中实施外语学习策略训练
- English learning strategies training 英语学习策略培训
- Does strategy training improve the reading ability of high school ESL Learner's? 中学生通过阅读策略训练能否提高阅读水平?
- So in college English teaching, teachers should change their ideas and create a "learners oriented teaching environment to promote learner autonomy through the strategy training. 大学英语教学中,教师应转变教学观念,创造以“学习者为中心”的教学环境,并通过策略训练促进学习者自主。
- Pay attention to Learning Strategy Training and Strengthen the Ability of Learning by Self 注意英语学习策略培训提高学生自主学习能力
- Students should know learning strategy. 学生应该知道学习策略。
- A Comparative Study of the Learning Strategy Training Modes for the Children with Learning Disabilities 学习困难儿童学习策略训练模式的比较与研究
- This paper focuses on the issue of strategy training in FL classroom teaching. 本文旨在探究外语课堂教学中的策略培训问题。
- On the Experiment of Learning Strategy Training to Increase the Students'Learning Ability Level in Primary and Middle School 中小学学科学习策略训练提高学生学习能力水平的实验
- Learner Strategies for Learner Autonomy by Anita Wenden is a good resource. Wenden; A.;的 Learner Strategies for Learner Autonomy 就是一分极好的参考文献。
- All factors have obvious regress effects on learning strategy. 诸因素对大学生学习策略具有明显的回归效应。
- Learning strategy: knowing different styles of English. 学习策略:了解不同类型的英语。
- Purposes: Help Ss to learn the Self-Study and Learning Strategies. 发展学习策略,培养自主学习的能力。