- leakage of earth dam 渗漏
- For the joint part of earth dam and sluice foundation, the two projects are calculated, that is taking into earth dam body seepage and taking no account of earth dam body seepage. 对土坝和泄冲闸的结合部位渗流场进行了考虑土坝坝体渗流和不考虑土坝坝体渗流的两种方案的计算。
- Abstract: Taking Shimen Reservoir as an example, this paper makes an introduction of the application of computer in the analysis of stability of earth dam with such theories as sweden method. 中文摘要: 本文运用瑞典法等理论,对计算机在土坝稳定分析中的应用以石门水库为例进行了说明。
- On the base of the previous work, slip and seepage risk analysis model of earth dam is founded, simultaneously, security early warning index of concrete dam and earth dam is lucubrated. 本文在总结前人研究成果的基础上,对土石坝失稳破坏和渗透破坏的风险分析模型,以及混凝土坝、土石坝的安全预警指标进行了深入的研究,主要成果如下。
- The machine cast up a big heap of earth. 机器卷起了一大堆泥土。
- On Fracturing Grouting of Earth Dam Body 土坝坝体劈裂式灌浆技术探讨
- Crack grouting in strengthening of earth dam 劈裂式灌浆技术在土坝坝体加固的应用
- The bulldozer leveled the mound of earth. 推土机把土堆铲平。
- The farmer examined a handful of earth. 那个农夫察看了一把泥土。
- We should try to prevent leakage of information. 我们应该设法防止走漏风声。
- Inspecting for the leakage of oil, water and air. 检查有无漏油、漏水、漏气的现象。
- It could be a momently leakage of my Buddha nature. 所以一方面他们不能得到证悟,另一方面他们也错失了很多乐趣。
- His first shot, which fell short, sent up a spurt of earth. 他的第一枪没打中,扬起一股尘土。
- A low mound or ridge of earth; a knoll. 小丘低土丘或圆岗; 小丘
- Stress Analysis of Earth Dam and Its Consolidation Measure 土坝的应力分析及加固措施
- Application of Dynamic Compaction for the Construction of Earth Dam 强夯法在水库土坝建设中的应用
- Application of Nuclear Gage in Measuring Dry Density of Earth Dam 核子仪在土坝干密度检测中的应用
- The leakage of the mechanical sealing of this pump is severe. 这台泵的机械密封泄露严重。
- Fitness of Tsing Hua K-G Model to Weathered Soils of Earth Dam 清华K-G模型对筑坝用风化料的适应性研究
- Application of earth dam break model to Jiahezi Reservoir 土坝溃坝模型在夹河子水库中的应用