- Goss s bacterial wilt and leaf blight of corn 玉米内州萎蔫病
- Observation on Pathogenicity of Pathogen of Leaf Blight of Corn in Suburbs of Guangzhou City 玉米大斑病菌对广州地区甜玉米的致病性观测
- Study on Turf Grass Leaf Blight of Bipolaris sorokiniana. 草坪草离蠕孢叶枯病的研究。
- southern leaf blight of corn 玉米小斑病
- leaf blight of corn 玉米大斑病
- Northern leaf blight of corn 玉米大斑病
- The north blight of corn(Exserohilum turcicum(Pass. 玉米大斑病(无性态:Exserohilum turcicum(Pass.;)Leonard & Suggs;1974,有性态:Setosphaeria turcica(Pass
- Fig. 7. Effects of inoculum concentrations on disease severity of Pestalotiopsis leaf blight of Taiwania. 图七、接种源浓度与台湾杉叶枯病发病的关系。
- Leaf blight and leaf spot of corn 玉米大小斑病
- Abstract: A leaf blight of Cynodon hybrid was found to be an important disease on golf courses in Wuhan, but there have been few reports of this disease in China. 摘要:杂交狗牙根叶枯病是武汉地区高尔夫球场草坪上的一种重要病害。
- There was an abundance of corn last year. 去年玉米丰收。
- foot rot and leaf blight of brome grass 禾草基腐病
- A Study on Leaf Blight of Mikania micrantha 薇甘菊叶枯病的研究
- helminthosporium leaf blight of proso 黍斑点病
- In between the rows of corn there was a scarecrow. 在玉米行中间有一稻草人。
- Bankruptcy was the blight of the family. 破产毁了这一家。
- In August there was a big supply of corn and the price touch bottom. 八月份市场上玉米大量供应,价格降到最低点。
- As a choice of vegetables,we have peas of corn. 我们有豌豆和玉米两种蔬菜供您选择。
- Bankruptcy was the blight of his family. 破产毁坏了他一家。
- Study on Physiological Form of Corn Leaf Blight in Centra and Southern Areas of Heilongjiang Province 黑龙江省中南部地区玉米大斑病菌生理小种变异的研究