- A case on follower readiness and leadership style! 郁闷的领导者,请帮他分析下原因!
- Describe your leadership style for me. 请描述一下您的领导风格。
- How would you describe your leadership style? 你将怎样描述你的领导风格?
- The proper leadership style depends on the situation. 运用恰如其分的领导方式,取决于具体的场合。
- Managers at all levels have their own leadership style. 各层次的管理者都有他们的领导风格。
- Hence leadership style does not reduce to decision making style. 因此,也不能将领导方式狭隘地理解为决策方式。
- Personal Leadership Style: the ways leaders choose to influence others. 个人领导风格:领导选择影响他人的方式。
- The two leadership styles differ in several areas. 两种领导体制在几个地区是不同的。
- Q:How would a former colleague or subordinate describe your leadership style? 66问:以前的同事或部属如何描述你的领导风格?
- How would a former colleague or subordinate describe your leadership style? 问:以前的同事或部属如何描述你的领导风格?
- He did research on group dynamics and leadership styles. 他从事团队影响力以及领导风格的研究。
- Varying your leadership style means there is no single best style for every situation. 变换您的领导方式就是说,没有哪一种方式是适用于所有场合的。
- This programme will provide you with insight to help you develop your individual service leadership style. 该方案将为您提供洞察力,以帮助您发展您的个人服务的领导风格。
- OCB is influenced by many kinds of factors.The leadership style is one of the factors, which influence the OCB. 组织公民行为受到多种因素的影响,领导风格是影响组织公民行为的因素之一。
- The model uses the basic situational approach of assessing the situation before determining the best leadership style. 模型使用基本的情景方法,在确定最好的领导风格之前对情景进行评价。
- Leadership Style:Autocratic,confrontational,self-assertive,a paterfamilias;blunt,sometimes harsh power brokers. 领导方式:强势领导,专制,富有对抗性,率直而不客气,家长式,有时会用独裁、严苛的领导风格。
- Leadership style is the pattern of behaviors to influence others, as perceived by those being influenced. 领导风格是指领导者在影响人的过程中对权力的运用方式;也叫领导方式.
- The destabilizing influence of autocratic leadership is due to the procedural rather than distributive aspects of such leadership style, i.e. 独裁型领导模式之所以会引发团体解离,主要是受到领导程序的影响。
- The demonstrations have evolved into much broader, grassroots criticism of South Korean President Lee Myung-bak's leadership style. 更加广泛的来自民间的批评加入了抗议声浪,抨击李明博总统的领导层。
- Your dynamic leadership style is very effective when it comes to motivating others and thus you have no problems executing your policies and ideas. 你互动式的领导方式在将他人激励起来时相当有效,因此当你实行自己的方针和想法时不会遇到问题。