- Leader cadre arrives basic level survey, undesigned beside had formed a lot of " ring of encirclement " . 领导干部到基层调研,无意中身边已经形成了许多“包围圈”。
- The leader cadre that disobedient communication decides wants remove sb from office of on the spot. 不服从交流决定的领导干部要就地免职。
- Leader cadre is a society the controller of each estate, more should normative oneself mitzvah, be particular about " professional morality " . 领导干部是社会各阶层的管理者,更应规范自己的德行,讲求“职业道德”。
- As being special group, leader cadre should have high thought awareness and strict rule of manner, and must inhere benign quality and capability of servicing the people. 领导干部作为一个特殊的群体,应具有很高的思想觉悟和严格的行为准则,具备良好的为党和人民服务的素质与才能。
- Leader cadre serves as the executant of party and national policy policy, they observe national socioeconomy situation is having distinctive perspective. 领导干部作为党和国家方针政策的执行者,他们观察国家社会经济形势有着独特的视角。
- Face temptation, most leader cadre can the calm is relative, but be out of shape nohow, shamelessly seek personal gain person also there is no lack of its person. 升迁,对于领导干部来说,毫无疑问极具诱惑力。面对诱惑,多数领导干部能够坦然相对,但是失态变形、蝇营狗苟者也不乏其人。
- Achievement in one's post is the influence that people of leader cadre exercise gifts, the performance that post duty place obtains is fulfilled in lieutenancy. 政绩是领导干部行使人民赋予的权力 ,在任期履行岗位职责所取得的绩效。
- Strengthen a leading group construction, improve leader cadre quality, it is the need that the communistic career that gets used to socialistic modernization and party admits. 加强领导班子建设、提高领导干部素质,是适应社会主义现代化建设和党的共产主义事业发展的需要。
- No matter be common Party member or leader cadre, inobservant party disipline and the law of the state, be about to be punished by disciplinary treatment and law. 无论是普通党员还是领导干部,不遵守党纪国法,就要受到纪律处分和法律惩罚。
- Comrade Chen Zufen speaks the raw material montage below the collection extemporarily into mayor of a book, can serve as art of leader cadre speech to undertake delibrate for the reader. 陈祖芬同志把录下的原材料剪接成一篇簿市长即席讲话,可供读者作为领导干部讲话艺术进行研讨。
- If our leader cadre learns ignored, counterpoise to theory,big real question does not undertake reflection strategically mixing delibrate, do good leader work very hard, and it is very dangerous. 如果我们的领导干部对理论学习不重视、对重大实际问题不进行战略性的思考和研讨 ,是很难做好领导工作的 ,而且是很危险的。
- Our community is a leader in the conservation of wildlife. 我们社区在野生动物保护方面走在前头。
- He bribes his leader to consolidate his position. 他贿赂他的领导来巩固他的地位。
- The leader chastised that man who made a mistake. 领导严厉惩罚了那个犯错误的人。
- The leader was deaf to all entreaties. 领导对一切恳求都置若罔闻。
- A veteran cadre was named for the directorship. 一位老干部被任命为厂长。
- Their slavish devotion to the leader is unhealthy. 他们对领导的盲目崇拜是不健康的。
- The new leader has a large backing. 那位新领导人有大批的支持者。
- The squad leader was a vividly drawn character. 班长是个刻画得很生动的人物。