- lead covered insulated cable 铅包绝缘电缆
- lead covered paper insulated cable 铅包纸隔绝缘电缆
- Remove the insulation form insulated cable. 在导线的适当位置用专用电工刀将绝缘层剥下。
- Cross-linked polyethylene insulated cables covered with a polychloroprene sheath. 标准/规范英文名: Insulated cables and flexible cords for installations.
- Compared with the traditional lead covered cure, it has advantages of high efficiency energy saving high quality and lower cost. PLCV与传统的包铅硫化方法相比具有效率高,节省能源,加工过程简单,产品质量高和成本费用低等优点。
- Either rigid shapes of steel (angles or tees )or flexible insulated cable shall be sleeted to be utilized as runway conductors and proposed in the order . 起重机导电形式分为电缆和滑线两种,订货时可任选一种。
- He said, "This is wickedness," and he pushed her back into the basket and pushed the lead cover down over its mouth. 天使说:“这是罪恶。”他就把妇人扔在量器中,将那片圆铅扔在量器的口上。
- Automatic liquid scientillation counter was refitted into luminometer after machining a top lead cover of measuring chamber with a injection hole. 通过加工一个带有注射孔的测量室顶部铅盖,将自动液体闪烁计数器改装成一种发光分析仪。
- The HVDC withstand voltage test can discover the defect of paper insulated cable efficiently, but it has limitation in discovering the defect of cross-linked polyethylene insulated power cable. 分析了高电压直流耐压试验可有效发现纸绝缘电缆缺陷,但在发现交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆缺陷方面有局限性。
- Strain Clamps for Insulated Cable(Wedge Type ) 绝缘导线用耐张线夹(楔型)
- Wall vines and ground cover insulate against summer heat and reduce reflected radiation. 墙上的藤蔓和地上辅盖的绝缘层,可以对抗夏季的曝晒和反射出来的热副射。
- ethylene propylene rubber insulated cable 乙烯丙烯橡胶绝缘电缆
- Bber sheathed rubber insulated cable 韧性橡胶护套绝缘电缆
- The connection airy low voltage insulated cable 架空高压绝缘电缆连接
- ICEA Insulated Cable Engineers Association 美国绝缘电缆工程师协会美国照明工程协会
- Copper conductor PVC insulated cable(wire) 铜芯聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆(电线)
- Insulated Cable Engineers Association IEC 绝缘电缆工程师协会
- Aluminium conductor PVC insulated cable(wire) 铝芯聚氯乙烯绝缘电缆(电线)
- The horse forged ahead the lead in the homestretch. 那匹马在最后阶段突然加速跑到前面。
- underground insulated cable distribution 地埋塑料线配电