- Tamu lead and zinc ore deposit 塔木铅锌矿
- lead - zinc ore deposit 铅锌矿床
- The Huanren Pb-Zn ore deposit in Liaoning Province, abounding with rich lead, zinc, copper and iron, is recognized as skarn type. 摘要辽宁桓仁铜锌矿床属夕卡岩型,主要盛产铅、锌、铜、铁。
- Namuchuo-Jiali fracture zone is a polymetallic ore zone where copper, lead and zinc ores are the main types of ores and skarn type ore deposit is the typical ore deposit species. 纳木错-嘉黎断裂带是以铜、铅、锌为主的多金属成矿带,矽卡岩型矿床是该区带典型矿床类型之一。
- A red to yellow-orange zinc ore, ZnO. 红锌矿颜色由红到橘黄色的锌矿,氧化锌
- zinc ore deposit 锌矿床
- Copper and lead in Qingshuitang lead zinc ore were separated by floatation separation with ternary agent, its experiment index is higher than that with potassium dichromate. 用三元合剂对清水塘铅锌矿进行铜铅分离浮选,其试验指标比以前用重铬酸钾的试验指标高,药剂用量低,避免铬的污染,改善生产环
- Therefore, it is a marine sedimentary-metamorphic iron ore deposit. 铁矿床属海相沉积变质成因。
- The important prospecting indications of the deposit type are abnormal zinc of watery sediment and dark red aureole which is formed by zinc ore eluviation in the surface of the upper rocks. 水系沉积物锌异常、闪锌矿淋滤后在地表岩石表面所形成的暗红色锌晕等为该类矿床的重要找矿标志。
- Test of reducing slime of oxidized zinc ore by using stirring mill has been carried out. 采用搅拌磨对兰坪氧化锌矿石进行了磨矿试验。
- The Longqiao iron ore deposit is a large-scale hidden magnetite ore deposit. 安徽庐江龙桥铁矿属一大型隐伏磁铁矿矿床。
- Gold-hosted breccia in Shuangwang ore deposit is hydrofracturing breccia. 摘要双王金矿含金角砾岩水力压裂成因角砾岩。
- This is a research on using marl and tailings from copper are and zinc ore to produce low energy consumption cement. 研究利用泥灰岩和铜锌尾矿代粘土烧制水泥熟料。
- The company has own resources, another our company has one site of plumbous zinc ore in Wuxuan of Guangxi. 公司拥有自有矿山资源,另我司在广西武宣拥有铅锌矿一处。
- lead & zinc ore which contains gold 铅锌含金矿石
- Preparation of zinc oxide direct by hydrometallurgical process from lower grade zinc ore were explored. The technical cruxes are maceration rate and purification. 探索了利用低品位含锌原料采用湿法直接制取氧化锌产品,技术关键是提高浸出率和净化除杂。
- Metallogeny of the major metallic ore deposits in China II. 中国主要金属矿床成矿规律2。
- Experimental results show that the hydrometallurgical method proposed in this paper for treatment of zinc ore with high iron content is feasible technologically. 试验结果表明:高铁锌矿的全湿法处理在技术上是可行的。
- The ore deposit can be named as subvolcanic hydrothermal garnet-diopside-magnetite deposit. 可把此矿床定名为次火山水热石榴子石-透辉石-磁铁矿矿床。