- leaching water volume 淋洗水量
- Heavy rain contains more water volume in the form of large drops. 大雨中含有较多水分并以大粒子形态出现。
- Also, greater water volume helps dilute a river's chemical content. 同样,丰富的水量可以帮助稀释河流内的化学物质。
- The underground water in the area of Yujiagou has been contaminated by the leaching water of the dumping area of open pit coal mine of Xinqiu in Fuxin. 就阜新新邱露天煤矿排土场淋溶水对附近于家沟地区地下水环境质量的影响进行了研究。
- When change the water, can according to the changed new water volume to input this dosage. 换水时,可按更改的新水量去增减加入本剂量。
- A change in waste water volume such as this could drastically affect the operation of a conventional biological treatment plant. 这样的废水量的变化可能强烈地影响传统生物处理站的运转。
- Sensitivity analysis is made to injected water volume adjustment and reserves potential. 并对注水量的修正和储量潜力进行了敏感性分析。
- In the formation experiment, capacitance became lower as water volume decreased because of formation of NGH. 在水合物生成过程中,随水合物饱和度的增加、水量的不断减少,电容量总体减小趋势明显。
- Ablution nozzle can also listen to the oral directives regulating temperature or under water volume. 声控的沐浴喷头还可以根据口头指令调节水温或喷水量。
- It is the key of making tunnel construction management plan and drainage design to predict accurately the seepage water volume in subsea tunnel. 涌水量预测是海底隧道防排水设计和施工措施制定的依据。
- Finally selects the appropriate heat interchanger according to the user with the water volume as well as the quantity of heat. 最后根据用户的用水量以及热量选出合适的换热器。
- The cutoff of the Yellow River becomes more and more serious in recent years, the direct account of which is the reduction of water volume in upstream. 摘要近年来,黄河的断流问题日益严重,导致这一后果的直接原因是上游水量的不断减少。
- atmospheric precipitation leaching water 化学特征系数
- The water volume of certain heat area on the world is thin be short of make discovery probably already delitescent all sorts of conflict. 世界上某些热点地区的水量稀缺很可能引发现已潜伏的各种冲突。
- Leaching water from lead-zinc tailings 铅锌尾矿淋滤水
- Conclusion: The soak temperature, time, and water volume of Glycyrrhiza uralensis have influence upon the qualities of the cuts. 结论:甘草浸泡的温度、时间、加水量对饮片的质量有影响。
- The experiment showed that the uniform distribution of herbicide deposition in free stubble environments can not be increased when water volume is increased. 实验结果表明,在无麦茬的情况下,增加除草剂兑水量,并不能提高除草剂在地面分布的均匀性;
- The result showed: in different light environments anti different plants, transpiring water volume and absorbing heat quantity of leaf area was very different. 结果表明:不同的光环境及植物在单位叶面积内的蒸腾释水量及吸热量有很大差别。
- When begins using the new lake flood detention, regardless of the water volume size, will be able to submerge completely the new lake area, will cause the heavy losses. 启用新湖分洪时,无论水量大小,将会淹没全部新湖面积,造成重大损失。
- Tidal ebb and flow, water volume to the time, endless waiting, only a quarter of desolation and helplessness that one-third of the hundred or Gok feeling of sadness. 潮来潮往,流水卷去时光,漫无边际的等待里只有那三分无奈四分凄凉与那百斛愁肠。