- layout of floor plan 楼层平面布置图
- Do you have the floor plan of the building? 你有没有这栋大厦的平面图?
- I receive CAD drawings of floor plans from the builder. I would like to use these drawings to show space information. 我从承包商那里接收了楼层平面的CAD图形。我想使用他们绘制图形以显示空间信息。
- What is the layout of this house like? 房子的格局如何?
- The designer chooses the layout of reinforcement. 设计者选择钢筋布置。
- The robbers studied the layout of the bank. 这伙强盗研究了银行的布局。
- Can change the layout of branches. 可以更改分支布局。
- Can you show us the floor plan first? 你可以先让咱们看看平面图吗?
- Gets or sets the layout of the check boxes. 获取或设置复选框的布局。
- The two rooms have the same amount of floor space. 这两个房间的面积相等。
- Under Name, locate the layer named Floor Plan. 在“名称”下,查找名为“平面图”的图层。
- Layout, The layout of this website is pretty neat. 就是说网站布局很清晰易懂。
- The layout of a printed circuit. 印刷电路设计图。
- Let's draw a floor plan together. 让我们一起画楼层平面布置图。
- The layout of the page is not important. 页的布局并不重要。
- Propose careful ichnography and floor plan. 建审平面图及楼层平面图。
- Can you tell me the skills of floor exercises? 能告诉我自由体操的一些技术吗?
- Would you show me the floor plan? 请让我看看楼层平面图好吗?
- EMl is analyzed in layout of PCB design. 本文着重考虑了现代PCB电路设计中的电磁兼容问题,分析了PCB电路中布线出现的电磁干扰问题。
- False layout of printed sheet parameter! 错误的版面参数!