- Test your table layout by adding content. 通过添加内容测试您的表布局。
- What does it mean that the VET oriented by process? 过程导向的职业教育意味着什么?
- Control. Partitioning your controls layout by using a. 控件对控件的布局进行分区。
- layout by process 分类布置
- When to perform update, progress input is control by process, not software. 何时执行更新,进度输入是过程控制,不是软件控制。
- Define a report layout by adding tables, text boxes, matrices, lists or charts from the Toolbox to the blank report. 通过将工具箱中的表、文本框、矩阵、列表或图表添加到空白报表来定义报表布局。
- In this section of the walkthrough, you will customize the record layout by editing a template. 在本部分演练中,您将通过编辑模板来自定义记录布局。
- Select the control layout by clicking the orange layout selector at the top left corner of the layout. 单击布局左上角的橙色布局选择器选择控件布局。
- You can change the work item form layout by exporting the XML file and modifying its content. 您可以通过导出XML文件并修改其内容来更改工作项窗体布局。
- Pipe charts and statistics were obtained by processing the results of pipe layout to support the field production. 通过对管路布局结果进行数据后处理,生成导管加工统计信息和各种报表,以支持现场生产。
- The matter of the body is continually changing by process of nutriment and wastage. 肉体的物质通过营养与消耗的过程不断变化着。
- A data-bound list control that allows custom layout by repeating a specified template for each item displayed in the list. 一个数据绑定列表控件,允许通过为列表中显示的每一项重复指定的模板来自定义布局。
- For outages that could be prevented by process changes, the appropriate process changes need to be initiated. 对于通过改变过程可防止的中断,需要着手进行适当的过程改变。
- Process conditions for the reforming section of an ammonia plant are optimized by process simulation. 采用过程模拟的方法对氨厂转化工序的工艺条件进行优化。
- From user-space, processes are represented by process identifiers (PIDs). 从用户空间看,进程用进程标识符(PID)表示。
- Re credibility and trustworthiness by processing enterprises. 重信誉,守信用加工型企业。
- Optimization of operating the secondary reformer in an ammonia plant is investigated by process simulation. 采用过程模拟的方法,对氨厂二段炉的优化操作进行了研究。
- If the resulting labels don't look the way you want, you can customize the layout by opening the report in Design view and making your changes. 如果您对生成的标签不甚满意,可以通过在设计视图中打开报表并进行更改来自定义标签的布局。
- Conversely, some packers can easily be bypassed by process dumping and thus, dealing with anti-reversing techniques seems unnecessary. 相反的,一些壳能够通过进程的转储而轻易绕过,因此针对反逆向的技术看上去似乎没什么必要。
- She was able to gain space in the layout by combining the former kitchen and breakfast room, once divided by a long bar/countertop, into one large room. 她能够把获得的空间整合,把前面的厨房和早餐室归并成一个大房间,只是用一个长形条桌或是(厨房的)工作台面隔开。