- Chapter 9 Lawyering System of China. 第九章是律师制度。
- The lawyer system and the system of legal assistance have been constantly improved,and are playing an increasingly important role in safeguarding the rights of citizens and promoting impartial justice. 律师制度和法律援助制度不断完善,对维护公民权利、促进司法公正起着日益重要的作用。
- Nowadays, though the debate evokes societywide reperussion, which is between the enterprise legal adviser system and the company lawyer system, jurists engaging in this field behave calmfully. 目前,企业法律顾问制度与公司律师制度之争在社会上反响强烈,但法学界对此反应较为平静。
- The lawyer system and the system of legal assistance have been constantly improved, and are playing an increasingly important role in safeguarding the rights of citizens and promoting impartial justice. 律师制度和法律援助制度不断完善,对维护公民权利、促进司法公正起着日益重要的作用。
- Lawyering System of China is a result of latter-day law-transplant. 摘要中国律师制度是近代法律移植的结果。
- Lawyer Systems of China and US in Sight of Comparative Law 比较法视野中的中美律师制度
- The two systems of government are polar opposites. 这两种政体正好相反。
- You may need the services of a lawyer. 你也许需要律师的帮助。
- She is easily the best lawyer in the city. 她无疑是本市最好的律师。
- He's set up shop as a lawyer in town. 他在城里开业当律师。
- Review of The New China's Lawyer System And Prospect Thereof 新中国律师制度的发展历程及展望
- A good lawyer can always find a loophole. 精明的律师总能找到漏洞。
- Whether the lawyering business is monopolized by lawyers or law officers can tell about the perfectness ofa country's judicial system and lawyering system. 作为法律职业之一的律师,其业务能否为律师所垄断,是否为律师垄断,这与一个国家的司法制度和律师制度完善与否有密切关系。
- The lawyer was empowered to pay all her bills. 律师已被授权偿付她的一切帐单。
- The lawyer unearthed some new evidence concerning the case. 律师发现了有关此案件的新证据。
- The defendant's lawyer petitioned for a new trial. 被告律师要求重新审理案子。
- The witness had been primed by a lawyer. 这证人曾经受到律师的指点。
- As a lawyer she's totally incapable. 她当律师完全不合格。
- She has the makings of a good lawyer. 她具备当个好律师的素质。
- She is married to a prospective lawyer. 她嫁给了一个未来的律师。