- lawyer of criminal defense 刑辩律师
- On the System of Criminal Defense by Lawyer in China 我国律师刑事辩护制度研究
- Rick Freedman, head of the Florida Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers in Miami, says budget cuts could also wind up costing the state more money. 里克.;弗里曼是设在迈阿密的佛罗里达刑事辩护律师协会的负责人。他说,削减预算可能导致州政府最后不得不花费更多的钱。
- Is there a lot of criminal action in Taipei? 台北是否有很多犯罪行为?
- the immunity of criminal defense 刑事辩护豁免权
- Lawyer Dong has developed a unique operative legal system for real estate, with major areas of practice in real estate, construction and criminal defense. 董律师主要业务方向为房地产、建筑和刑事辩护,实践中形成了独特的房地产专业法律操作体系。
- Are there a lot of criminal actions in Taipei? 台北是否有很多犯罪行为?
- Defender: Dou Jingjun, lawyer of Guangzhou Baiyue Law Firm. 辩护人:窦景俊,广州市百越律师事务所律师。
- She is frequently in the company of criminal. 她经常与罪犯交往。
- Person who is a member of a gang of criminal. 犯罪团伙的成员。
- To understand the value of realizing lawyer's rights correctly is helpful to perfect and develop criminal defense system, in order to ensure various litigation rights of lawyer and defender. 对刑辩律师权利实现价值的正确认识,有助于进一步落实和完善刑事辩护制度,以保障律师及其他辩护人的各项诉讼权利。
- The first Code of Criminal Procedure was enacted in 1861. 第一部刑事诉讼法典是在1861年颁布的。
- According to the Law of Criminal Procedure,the accused,besides exercising his right to defend himself,can also entrust a lawyer,or close relatives,or other citizens to take up the defense on his behalf. 根据刑事诉讼法规定,被告人除自己行使辩护权外,还可以委托律师或者近亲属或者其他公民为其辨护。
- According to the Law of Criminal Procedure, the accused, besides exercising his right to defend himself, can also entrust a lawyer, or close relatives, or other citizens to take up the defense on his behalf. 根据刑事诉讼法规定,被告人除自己行使辩护权外,还可以委托律师或者近亲属或者其他公民为其辨护。
- Theory about the justice of criminal judicial process II. 刑事司法程序正义论2。
- Criminal defense lawyers can help convicts escape punishment for their crimes. 那些罪犯的辩护士甚至可以帮助杀人犯逃脱罪责。
- Great lawyers of new Shanghai II. 新上海大律师2。
- The reformation of criminals has produced an obvious result. 对罪犯的改造有了明显的效果。
- Accused of criminal negligence, ie that canbe punished by law. 被控犯疏忽罪。
- The Soviet Union would inject itself as the lawyer of the Arab side. 苏联会作为阿拉伯一方的律师插足进来。