- The rocket lifted off from the launching pad. 那支火箭从发射台腾空而起。
- The rocket lifted off from its launching pad. 火箭从发射台上发射出去。
- Slide down the wire to the launch pad. 沿电线滑向火箭发射区域。
- To launch a rocket is to send it up from its launching pad. 发射火箭就是从发射台把它送上去。
- To launch a rocket is to send it up from its launching pad . 发射火箭就是从发射台把它送上去。
- With a roar, it began to rise slowly from the launch pad. 伴随着巨大的轰鸣,火箭开始从发射台缓慢升起。
- She regards the job as a launch pad for her career in the media. 她把这项工作当作她从事媒体职业的跳板。
- The elevation and configuration of the launch pad also require consideration. 提升机和发射台的外形也需要考虑。
- The biggest concern is whether the launch pad was damaged by a lighting strike. 最受关注的是轻微的碰击是否损坏发射垫。
- Driving out to the Launch Pad with my son Aidan and Dan Michaels son Andrew. 驾驶到发射架上,与我的儿子艾丹和丹迈克尔斯的儿子郑家富。
- Upon returning to England, he employed the favorable media attention as a launching pad for his foray into politics. 一回到英国,他就利用媒体的高知名度,作为进入政坛的踏板。
- Late Monday afternoon, reading the obscure and intricate markings, they identified a launching pad. 星期一傍晚;在判读模糊不清和错综复杂的记号时;他们认出了一座发射台.
- An H2-A rocket lifts off from a launching pad at the Tanegashima Space Center in Kagoshima Prefecture, Japan. 一枚H2-A型火箭从日本鹿儿岛的种子岛空间中心火箭发射场发射升空。
- "In this way, we use high school as a launching pad for success in higher education and the workplace," Beggs said. “通过这种方式,我们以中学为平台推进中学教育和工作场合中应用网络和计算机知识”博格说道。
- Pray that this space will be the launching pad for a ministry that glorifies His name. 求神让这处地方能成为一个开展荣耀祂事工的起点。
- Columbia is pictured atop launch pad 39B at the Kennedy Space Center in this June 7, 1999 file photo. 这是“哥伦比亚”号1999年6月7日被安置在肯尼迪航天中心发射架上的资料图片。
- At ignition, it will pour a million liters of water onto the launch pad surface. 点火时,它将把百万升水浇在发射台面上。
- The principal perturbing forces for launch vehicles, both on the launch pad and in flight, are the aerodynamic loads produced by winds. 发射飞行器在发射台上以及在飞行中的重要扰动力是由风产生的气动载荷。
- And NASA returns the shuttle Discovery to the launch pad ahead of a liftoff set for next month on its first mission since the Columbia disaster. 哥伦比亚号是美国研制的第一架航天飞机,于1981年4月12日第一次进入环绕地球的轨道。美国当地时间2003年2月1日,哥伦比亚号在着陆前解体坠毁。
- Yi, Volkov and Kononenko will be blasting off from the same launch pad as Gagarin. 李素妍、沃尔科夫和科诺年科将从当年加加林升空的发射台奔赴太空。