- Though shut so close thy laughing eyes. 你欢笑的眼睛虽然紧闭。
- All the majesty was gone, or it did but lurk and flicker faintly through her laughing eyes, like lighting seen through sunlight. 一切威严持重都不翼而飞,或者说是潜藏不露了,只偶而在她的笑眼中一闪而过,就象阳光下的闪电一样难以觉察。
- Sleep on ,and dream of Heaven awhile-----Tho' shut so close thy laughing eyes,Thy rosy lips still wear a smileAnd move and breathe delicious sighs! 睡吧,暂时沉睡在美梦的天堂吧----- 虽然你那含笑的双眼紧闭, 你那玫瑰色的红唇依然带着笑意, 一呼一吸尽是甜美的气息!
- The dark discs of copper coins closed his laughing eyes,his kind face had becomed livid,and I was terrified by the glint of his set teeth. 他含笑的眼睛紧闭着,就象上面盖着两枚黑色的铜钱;他那慈祥的脸也变成了青紫色。牙向外龇着,把我吓坏了。
- Tho'shut so close thy laughing eyes, 虽然你的笑眼依然紧闭,
- I saw the whole accident with my own eyes. 这次事故我是全部亲眼看到的。
- She looked at him with hate in her eyes. 她以憎恨的目光看着他。
- Her eyes are the most catching I have ever seen. 她的眼睛是我见到过的最迷人的。
- She made us all laugh with her zany tricks. 她那些滑稽的恶作剧逗得我们都大笑起来。
- We are laughing at the clown's silly antics. 我们因小丑笨拙的动作而发笑。
- He looks at the burn shoes and laugh heartily. 他看到那烧糊的鞋并且愉快地笑了。
- We feel that life is no laughing matter. 我们觉得人生绝非是开玩笑的事情。
- He looked at me with hatred in his eyes. 他以憎恨的眼光望着我。
- He gave a scornful laugh at my proposal. 他对我的建议轻蔑地一笑。
- She cast her eyes down to avoid direct eye contact. 她垂下双目以避免对视。
- Answer me, don't just stand there laughing. 回答我,别只是站在那儿笑。
- He looked at it with dilated eyes. 他睁大了眼睛看它。
- They all walked on together talking and laughing. 他们一直走着边谈边笑。
- They walked along the beach talking and laughing. 他们说说笑笑,沿着海滩散步。
- Don't laugh. There is no laughing matter. 不要笑。没什么好笑的。