- The move on lateral root and fibril gives birth to root hair. 侧根和须根上着生根毛。
- Lateral root Any ROOT that arises from the PERICYCLE of another root. 侧根:起源于根的中柱鞘的根。
- Each of them had tap root, verticillate lateral root, stem,cotyledon, first pair of true leaf, and terminal bud. 在显微镜下观察到花粉粒发育成为胚状体的全过程。
- The changed of nematodes per cm root showed an inverse trend with the age of seedlings between taproot and lateral root. 随着土层的加深,主根和侧根内线虫密度差异减小;
- The study also revealed that, inhibitory effect was much pronounced in root and lateral root development rather than germination and shoot growth. 研究还显示,提取物对植物根和侧根的抑制作用比对种子萌发和茎的生长抑制作用更显著。
- Lateral root development and gravitropism are regulated by polar auxin transport (PAT), and auxin efflux inhibitors (AEI) inhibit LR growth and tropism. 生长素极性运输 (polar auxin transport, PAT) 对侧根发生和根尖向地性起着重要的调节作用,添加外源生长素极性运输抑制剂不仅抑制了侧根发生,同时还使根尖丧失了向地性。
- The root dry weight, ratio of dry weight axial/lateral root were greater, but nodule number of lateral root, number of lateral root in var. hirsute cultivars were less. 龙生型花生根干重大、侧根根瘤数少、主根干重/侧根干重大、侧根数少;
- Lateral root initiation, lateral root primordium formation, and formation and activation of lateral meristem are some key stages for lateral root formation. 侧根的发生起源于特定的中柱鞘细胞,其发生过程可简单地分为侧根发生的起始、侧根原基的形成、侧根分生组织的形成和活化等几个关键时期。
- Auxin action is involved in all the stages of lateral root formation, and jasmonic acid has some effects on the regulation of lateral root formation too. 参与侧根发生调控的植物激素主要是生长素,它影响到侧根发生过程的各个时期。茉莉酸对侧根的发生也有一定的调控作用。
- We suggest that first lateral root numbers per unit taproot length was used as index for drought tolerance identification and selection in dryland cotton. 单位主根长度一级侧根着生密度可作为棉花耐旱性鉴定和选育的指标。
- The results shows that contracted taproot and developed lateral root of alfalfa adapted soil moisture changes on eluviated cinnamon soil which is great depth and drains well. 结果表明:在土层深厚、排水良好的淋溶褐土上,紫花苜蓿主根收缩,侧根发达,适应土壤上下层水分的变化。
- Soybean, wheat seed dressing in 40 times and soaking in 400 times of RPA type of agriculture,the effects are very clear in the germinative capacity,the number of lateral root. 黄豆、小麦以农用型400拌浸种和40倍拌种,对其发芽生长有显著的促进作用。
- The root lines of regenerative plants grew rapidly, showing more branching roots and lateral roots. 毛状根再生植株在形态学上表现根系发达,节根分节较多,侧根发达,生长迅速。
- He took sick and died a week later. 他得了病,一周后就死去了。
- Comparision of their maps, 40 different spots were digested in gel with TPCK-trypsin and measured with MALDI TOF MS, and 20 protein were identified, which may help to search mechanism of the development of lateral root. 分析其不同部位的双向电泳图谱的蛋白质表达差异,应用胰蛋白酶胶内酶解及基质辅助激光解吸/电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOFMS)的肽质指纹技术对40个差异表达蛋白质进行鉴定,最终鉴定出20个蛋白,从而为侧根发生机理的研究提供科学依据。
- Note :1 ,Thinner and longer roots ;2 ,Roots with many fibrils ;3 ,Roots with many lateral roots ;4 ,Aerial roots . 注:1.;较细长的根;2
- Lateral roots numerous, fascicled, to 16 cm, 1-2 mm in diam., with few fibrous roots. 侧根多数,簇生,在16厘米,1-2毫米直径,具很少须根。
- At higher nitrate supply, root elongation of 478 was inhibited, the distance from the site of lateral root elongation to root tip became shorter, the root cap became shorter, and root elongation zone became swollen. 在高浓度NO_3~-供应条件下,478根伸长显著缩短,侧根发生部位距根尖的距离变短、根冠变薄,根伸长区膨大。
- The experiments were conducted at Chifeng, Inner Mongolia in 2001-2003 .The results shows that contracted taproot and developed lateral root of alfalfa adapted soil moisture changes on eluviated cinnamon soil which is great depth and drains well. 2001-2003年在内蒙古赤峰市研究了紫花苜蓿根系对水分的适应。 结果表明:在土层深厚、排水良好的淋溶褐土上,紫花苜蓿主根收缩,侧根发达,适应土壤上下层水分的变化。
- Later he also gained in aesthetic knowledge. 后来他的美学知识也增加了。