- He leans towards more lighthearted subjects in his later works. 他在后期的创作中倾向于比较轻松的主题。
- His latest work came out with a bang. 他最近出的一本书很受欢迎。
- His later works shows flashes of tragedy. 他的晚期之作闪现着悲剧色彩。
- The later works are the composer's best. 晚期作品是这位作曲家的佳作。
- The later work of Aubrey Beardsley. 在后来的工作奥布里兹利。
- His later work showed that his first novel was little more than a tour de force. 他后来的作品表明他的第一部小说不过是一部聪明和玩弄技巧的作品。
- There is a sharp contrast between his earlier and later works. 他的早期作品和晚期作品截然不同。
- These early paintings clearly prefigure his later work. 这些早期绘画清楚地显现出他后期作品的精神。
- He lean towards more lighthearted subject in his later work. 他在後期的创作中倾向于比较轻松的主题。
- His latest work is a masterpiece. 他最新的作品是一件杰作。
- His latest work deals with the Second World War. 他的新书的内容是关于第二次世界大战。
- Her latest work is a masterpiece. 她最新的作品是一件杰作。
- Later work clearly showed that a ribosome contains many different proteins. 近的工作清楚地表明了核蛋白体包括许多不同的蛋白质。
- It's very stressful for you to stay up late working every night. 你天天熬夜工作很伤神的。
- Among his later works are My Friendly Contemporaries (1932) and Afternoon Neighbors (1934). 后期作品有《友好的同时代人》(1932)和《后半辈子的邻居》(1934)。
- See John Dewey, Liberalism and Social Action, The Later Works of John Dewey, Vol.11, p34. {16}悉尼?克为《杜威全集》(期著作)九卷《民主主义与教育》写的导言,载约翰?威:《民主主义与教育》“附录”,王承绪译,人民教育出版社1990年版,第389页。
- This moral ambiguity is a feature of Shakespeare's later works (see Chapter Eight). 这种道德暧昧是莎士比亚晚期著作的一个特征(见第八章)。括号也可用来括起号码和字母编号,例如
- Later works dissimilated (including description of the second sex and neutralism) the image of Chinese Americans. 在早期主流的白人作家包括华人作家的作品里,华人通常表现为定型化了的,或温顺或邪恶的文学形象。
- All the other Dead Sea Scrolls are later works which bear the trademark of the Jewish Rabbinical School at Jamnia. 所有的其它死海古卷是更迟一些的手稿,在Jamnia带有犹太民族希伯莱语的学院的标志。
- He took sick and died a week later. 他得了病,一周后就死去了。