- Acting officials were inexistent in late Han Dynasty, but such titles as Acting assistant or Acting Minister remained and changed to normal officials. 到汉末假官作为一种制度已不存在,但其中假佐、假司马、假侯等称谓保留了下来,幷转为常官,意义已不同于前。
- Late Han Dynasty was in a midst of civil war.The rise of warlords became a blow to the legitimacy.Cao Cao and Sun Quan dev... 题材还是百年不烂的三国,在游戏中你扮演的一方将是传统的蜀国,不论是画面还是内容都是一流水准,完善的升级系统,丰富的魔法技能。
- The horse and chariot tomb figures of the mid and late Han Dynasty, such as the wooden horses and chariots unearthed at Weiwu, Gansu Province, appear simple and strong. 汉代中晚期的车马俑也很有特点,造型拙朴,气宇轩昂,如甘肃武威的木制车马俑。
- Especially, the separateion with his mother became a kind of unfilial crime in later Han Dynasty. 西汉中期以后,这些罪名相继入律,至东汉“与母别居”也成为不孝罪的内容之一。
- at the end of the late Han Dynasty 东汉末年
- the Three Kingdoms in the late Han Dynasty 汉末三国
- the celebrities in the late Han Dynasty 汉末名士
- late Han Dynasty and early Weijin period 汉末魏晋
- celebrities during the late Han Dynasty 汉末名士
- On the Biographies of Famous Bachelors of the Late Han Dynasty 试论汉末的名士别传
- Han Shu (Later Han Dynastic History) is the first chronological dynastic history of China. 《汉书》是我国第一部纪传体断代史。
- Studies on 'Zhong Shi'During Late Han Dynasty and Three Kingdoms Period 汉末三国中使考
- The Awakening of Natural Rationalness of Old Scholars in the Late Han Dynasty 汉末士人自然理性的觉醒
- Paper was invented in the Han dynasty. 纸是在汉朝发明的。
- The map of the silk-route in Han Dynasty. 汉代丝绸之路地图。
- Three Kingdoms of Shu Han dynasty establishment. 蜀汉王朝的建立者。
- Nice.A loricae gold inlaid in Han dynasty. 不错,汉代的镏金铠甲泡钉。
- A research of rime categories in poetic works by authors in region of Qi in late Han Dynasty 汉末齐地诗文用韵考
- We can compare the Han dynasty to the Romans. 我们可以比较汉朝和罗马。
- Zhao Cuo was from Rongzhou in the Han Dynasty. 但是晁错很骄傲,朝中的大臣对他很不服。