- Provides a mechanism for late binding to type. 提供用于后期绑定到类型的机制。
- You cannot use Option Strict On with late binding. 在进行后期绑定时,不能使用Option Strict On。
- Be wary of late binding to a name that includes some user data. 在后期绑定到包含某些用户数据的名称时要多加小心。
- Values, you do not have late binding or type conversion. 值进行泛型化,因此,不会有后期绑定或类型转换。
- Describes the reflection custom-binding interface that supports late binding. 描述支持后期绑定的反射自定义绑定接口。
- Dual interfaces enable COM clients to choose between early and late binding. 双绑定接口使COM客户端能够在早期绑定和后期绑定之间进行选择。
- For performing late binding, accessing methods on types created at run time. 执行后期绑定,访问在运行时创建的类型的方法。
- Statement disallows late binding and conversions where data would be lost. 语句如何不允许将会导致数据丢失的后期绑定和转换。
- Demonstrates how to implement late binding to any managed assembly with public classes and methods. 演示如何用公共类和方法实现对任何托管程序集的后期绑定。
- While late binding to components is still supported, early binding is a better choice for performance reasons. 虽然仍支持后期绑定到组件,但是基于性能的考虑,早期绑定是一个更好的选择。。
- A type library must be registered before the runtime can see it, except in the case of late binding. 除后期绑定的情况外,类型库必须在运行库可以查看它之前注册。
- Indicates the interface is exposed to COM as a dual interface, which enables both early and late binding. 指示接口将作为双重接口向COM公开,这将启用早期绑定和后期绑定。
- Dual interfaces enable early and late binding to interface members by COM clients. 双绑定接口支持COM客户端对接口成员进行早期和后期绑定。
- This class provides helpers that the Visual Basic compiler uses for late binding calls; it is not meant to be called directly from your code. 此类提供了一些供Visual Basic编译器用于后期绑定调用的帮助器;此类不宜从您的代码直接调用。
- Select On to restrict implicit type conversion; that is, explicit narrowing conversions will be required and late binding will not be allowed. 选择“On”可以限制隐式类型转换,即要求显式收缩转换并且不允许后期绑定。
- When a variable or expression evaluates to Object, the compiler must perform late binding, which causes extra operations at run time. 当变量或表达式计算为Object时,编译器必须执行“后期绑定”,这将导致运行时的额外操作。
- VBA can determine properties of objects at run time, effectively providing late binding between your code and the objects themselves. VBA可在运行时确定对象的属性,进而在代码和对象本身之间有效地提供后期绑定。
- Building binary components sometimes means utilizing late binding and reflection to find the code with the particular functionality you need. 有时候,构建二进制组件意味着利用晚绑定和反射来寻找你需要的有特定功能的代码。
- Also called dynamic binding or late binding or run-time binding, it is a fundamental concept of object-oriented programming (OOP). 也被叫做动态绑定或延迟绑定或者运行时绑定,是面向对象编程(OOP)的基础概念之一。
- Loose coupling as an approach for distributed systems and EAI has frequently been compared to the software pattern of late binding. 针对分布式系统和EAI的松耦合方法就常常被拿来与延迟绑定软件模式进行对比。