- late Tang poems 晚唐诗
- He memorized many Tang poems thoroughly. 他能把许多唐诗背得滚瓜烂熟。
- This set of Complete Tang Poems is in twelve cases. 这部《全唐诗》分成十二函。
- In the lucid and elegant style, his emotions were well expressed and his poems had particular significance in the late Tang poetry. 他以清词丽句来表达自己的情感,并形成一种特殊的美感境界,在唐末诗坛上具有重要意义。
- KouZhun ’s Padang poems is wery sentimental,having a strong "Late Tang Dynasty wind”. 寇准巴东时期的诗歌清冷感伤,晚唐诗风浓厚。
- The Collection of 300 Tang Poems will be reprinted next month. 《唐诗三百首诗集》将于下月再版。
- Experts have achieved a lot in their study on WEI Zhuang,a poet in the late Tang Dynasty,esp in terms of his life story,thoughts and poems. 20世纪的百年间 ,学界对唐末诗人韦庄的研究 ,在作品整理、生平事迹及思想、诗、词等方面取得了一定的成绩 ,也存在着显著的不足。
- All the Luo Yin's poems were lyrici, using the indignant lampoon as basic emotion.Lao Yin's poems got a special status in the poetic history of late Tang Dynasty. 罗隐诗全是抒情性的律诗,情致以激愤不平的讽刺为主调,在晚唐诗史上占有独领风骚的特别地位。
- Wei Zhuang was an important writer in the Late Tang Dynasty. 摘要韦庄是唐末、五代文坛上一位诗、词兼擅的重要作家。
- Du Mu is a famous poet and poser in the late Tang Dynasty. 杜牧是晚唐时期著名的诗人与散文家。
- Liu Gongquan was another representative calligrapher of the late Tang Dynasty. 晚唐的书家代表人物是柳公权。
- These complicated and duplicated images in Tang poems and Song ci-poems make up a kind of dreary and hazy atmosphere. 唐诗宋词中的“巫山云雨”意象常与相关或相近意象一起组成意象群。
- The late Tang and Five Dynasties, warlordism, Yangzhou was severely damaged. 唐末五代,军阀混战,扬州遭到严重破坏。
- In many aspects, it is similar to "Huxuan" and "Huteng" dances recorded in history books and the Tang poems. 和史书、唐诗关于"胡旋舞"、"胡腾舞"的记述多有相似之处,正是西域古乐舞的风范。
- Although he never had a proper education, he was able to be fluent in English and was able to recite "Three Hundred Tang Poems". 虽然先父从未接受过正规教育,但他会说流利的英语,而且可以背诵唐诗三百首。
- Tang poetry didn't grow synchronically with Tang novels but the latter contained large quantities of Tang poems. 摘要唐诗与唐人小说的发展并不同步,但唐人小说中拥有大量的诗歌。
- Although he never had a proper education,he was able to be fluent in English and was able to recite "Three Hundred Tang Poems". 虽然先父从未接受过正规教育,但他会说流利的英语,而且可以背诵唐诗三百首。
- Theres an ancient saying: After reading up three hundred Tang poems, you can at least intone poems even you cant write them. 古人有句经验之谈:熟读唐诗三百首,不会写诗也会吟。
- As a transitional Taoist scholar in late Tang and early Song period, Chen Tuan has rich and characteristic aesthetic thought. 摘要作为唐宋之交承上启下的学者道士,陈抟的美学思想是丰富而有特色的。
- Abstract: Tang poetry didn't grow synchronically with Tang novels but the latter contained large quantities of Tang poems. 摘要:唐诗与唐人小说的发展并不同步,但唐人小说中拥有大量的诗歌。