- The environment of the Lop Nur Lake was fluctuant since Late Pleistocene. 晚更新世以来湖泊沈积环境波动变化加快。
- An extinct hominid primate (Homo soloensis) known from fossil remains of the late Pleistocene Epoch. 棱罗人:已灭绝的一种灵长目人科动物(梭洛人),从更新世时期遗传下来的化石得名
- The eastern Yantai-Weihai segment is a mid Pleistocene segment on which no late Pleistocene offset has been found. 东段烟台-威海段为中更新世活动段,没有发现晚更新世地层错断现象。
- It lived in Eurasia, from Ireland to east of Lake Baikal, during the Late Pleistocene and early Holocene. 它生活在欧亚大陆,从爱尔兰到东部的贝加尔湖,在晚更新世与全新世早期。
- Owing to climate was being droughty from terminal late Pleistocene,so Aibihu Lake ceaselessly shrank. 晚更新世晚期开始,由于气候逐渐变干,艾比湖不断萎缩。
- The Late Pleistocene Huguangyan Formation in Weizhou island, Beihai city, Guangxi consists of volcanic elastic rocks. 摘要广西北海涠洲岛晚更新世湖光岩组为一套火山碎屑沉积,同期火山岩发育。
- Horses and camels originated on this continent, and many species were present in the late Pleistocene. 马和骆驼正起源于美洲大陆,而且许多种类都出现在更新世晚期。
- The late Pleistocene era to the early or late, about 10 million years ago, it is named "Changyang people. 其时代为晚更新世早期或稍晚,距今约10余万年,故定名为"长阳人"。
- Yu Hongjun, Zhao Songling.A new exploration of shelf environment during the last stage of Late Pleistocene. 于洪军.;晚更新世末期中国北方陆架沉积环境的新探索
- An extinct species or race of human beings, living during the late Pleistocene Age in the Old World and associated with Middle Paleolithic tools. 尼安德特人:已灭绝的人类类型或种族,生存于太古时代更新世的晚期,与旧石器时代的工具有联系。简单地说就是住山洞的人。住在山洞里的古人。
- Considering its stratigraphical position, this site should be dated early Late Pleistocene, and culturally of the Middle Paleolithic period. 本文所述的泾渭文化与水洞沟文化可能有更密切的渊源关系。
- Bactrian camels, which are critically endangered in the Gobi Desert, could provide a modern proxy for Camelops, a late Pleistocene camel. 而像在戈壁沙漠已经严重濒临灭绝的双峰骆驼,可当做更新世晚期一些长颈驼的现代分身。
- Based on the result of sporopollen analysis, we reconstructed the paleovegetation and paleoclimate for this area since late Pleistocene. 根据孢粉分析结果,恢复了该区晚更新世以来的古植物和古气候。
- The fossil hominids were diagnosed as early Homo sapiens, with a cultural age of Middle Paleolithic, and geologic age of early Late Pleistocen. 产出丁村人及相应石器的一套地层被命名为丁村组。
- It has ever controlled the earthquakes of ancient and contemporary times and is determined to be probably active since late pleistocene. 该断裂对杭州地区历史地震和现代地震具备一定的控制作用,可能在晚更新世以来有过活动。
- To sum up, the earth's crust of the area has a weak activity to show mainly creep-slip active mode since the Late Pleistocene. 综上所述,研究区地壳晚第四纪以来具有微弱活动性,且主要表现为蠕滑活动方式。
- Using active fault movement data,we calculated the average horizontal strain rate field of China Continent and vicinity since late Pleistocene with Bessel bicubic spline model. 根据活断层资料,利用贝塞尔双三次样条模型对中国大陆及其邻区晚更新世以来的平均水平应变率场进行了计算。
- The aquatic biota from the late Late Pleistocene was sampled below 46 m in the Well Dacan 1 of Qaidam Basin. They showed a high abundance and high diversity. 晚更新世晚期 ,柴达木盆地达参 1井井深 4 6m以下的沉积物内 ,水生生物化石有很高的丰度和分异度。
- These results provide evidences for the reconstruction of the geomorphic environment of Beijing plain during the Late Pleistocene and the study of prehistoric human history. 以上的研究为北京平原晚更新世晚期人-地环境的重建和进行史前人类历史的研究提供依据。
- Xifeng Loess Plateau as a whole is in the Quaternary geological formation as early as the late Pleistocene eolian earthy deposits, 120 million years ago. 西峰黄土同整个黄土高原一样,是在地质年代的第四纪早更新世晚期形成的风成土状堆积物,距今已120万年。