- This kind of weather is apt to occur in late May. 这种天气往往在五月底出现。
- Good haymaking weather comes in late May. 五月下旬出现适于调制干草的好天气。
- Most roses will begin to bloom from late May. 大多数玫瑰从五月末开始开花。
- The oothecae of this species were abundant in late May and June. 这个物种的卵囊在5月下旬至6月最多。
- Whoever comes late may have enough time to do this experiment. 无论哪个晚来,都可以有足够的时间做这个实验。
- They were filled with joy when they set foot on Chinese soil in late May. 他们在五月底踏上中国的土地时兴奋不已。
- Gryffindor v. Ravenclaw The last match of the season, held in late May, usually before final exams (SS17, OP30). 格兰芬多对拉文克劳赛季的最后一场比赛,在5月底举行,通常在期末考试之前(魔法石,第十七章;凤凰社,第三十章)。
- The absolutely insane images of Zio Fester going nuts after the final whistle that day, in late May 99 in Perugia. 99年5月,佩鲁贾。当联赛最后一轮的终场哨响起,秃子大叔加里亚尼万分激动,完全失去常态,平时冷峻如吸血鬼的他甚至于哽咽无
- Judging by late May's brilliant encounter between Jupiter and your ruler Neptune, bigtime changes are in order. 由于五月末的木海合相,会有一些重要的变化,但都状况良好。
- Pictured above, however, a rare fire rainbow was captured above trees in Whiting, New Jersey, USA in late May. 上面的影像是一道罕见的火彩虹,是5月末在美国新泽西州惠延的树林上空拍摄。
- On an evening in late May, a middle-aged man was walking home from Shas-ton to the village of Marlott. 五月下旬的某个傍晚,一个中年男子正从沙斯屯回家往马洛特村走去。
- Late May 1939: Admiral Graf Spee in Hamburg, Germany welcoming troops of the Condor Legion home from Spain. 1939年5月底,格拉夫.;斯佩海军上将号在汉堡,德国人在此欢迎从西班牙回国的秃鹰军团。
- The Shanghai A-share index, having recovered most of its plunge in late May, shows a gain of about only 160% over the past five years. 在过去五年里,那五月底跳水后已得到大部分恢复的上海A股指数也不过才成长了160%25。
- Harvesting begins late May in the north and finishes by late December in the south with an average season length of around 22 weeks. 收割在5月底从北部开始,于12月底在南部结束,平均收割期为22周。
- Overnight interest rates edged up from around 5 per cent in late May to peak at 6.75 per cent in mid-August, before easing back to around 5-6 per cent thereafter. 隔夜拆息由五月下旬约五厘的水平,上升至八月中6.;75厘的高位,然后逐渐回落,在五至六厘之间徘徊。
- They added that an option held by Warburg Pincus to re-acquire the bonds and convert them into equity had expired in late May. 知情人士补充称,华平所持重新认购这批债券、并将这些债券转换为普通股的期权已于5月末到期。
- In late May Mr Nazarbayev sacked Mr Aliev from his post as ambassador to Austria and the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe. 5月底,纳扎尔巴耶夫先生解除了阿利耶夫先生驻奥地利大使与欧洲安安全合作组织特别代表的职位。
- In order not to be late, she cut across the fields. 为了不迟到,她抄近路穿过田野。
- An individual resembling this one (i.e. strikingly pale greyish below) was in Chi Gu in late May 2005, now several years ago. 几年前,也就是2005年5月在七股有一只很像这只的个体出现(体下是显目的灰白色)。
- Thirty-one-year-old Paul Curtis says he went to Ryde Hospital late on a Friday night in late May with a painful neck injury. 31岁的男子保罗.柯蒂斯说,他因疼痛的颈伤而于5月下旬的一个星期五晚间赴莱德医院求诊。