- He hinted darkly that we had not heard the last of the matter. 他带着威胁的口吻暗示我们的事情还没完[他还不肯就此罢休]。
- The ebb and the flow of the ocean tides. 是海浪潮汐的起伏和奔流。
- Our children enjoyed watching the ebb and flow of the tide when we were spending the weekend at the seaside. 我们在海滨度周末时,孩子们都很喜欢观赏涨潮和退潮的景象。
- See the last of the following examples. 请参阅下面最后一个示例。
- I must mop up the last of the work. 我必须把最后这部分工作做完。
- I'm sure you have heard the last of the matter. 我确信你的这件事已经了结。
- They drank up the last of the wine. 他们喝光了最后一滴酒。
- Frosts spoil the last of the flowers. 霜冻冻坏了最后一批花朵。
- He is the last of the passenger to leave the ship. 他是最后一个下船的乘客。
- The last of the three is known as a field goal. 最后一种得分方式叫做射门得分。
- He was the last of the passengers to leave the ship. 他是最後一个下船的乘客。
- Neptune is the last of the four giant gas planets. 海王星是太阳系中四颗巨大气体行星中的最后一颗。
- Holmes, Renaissance titan or last of the Mohigans? 福尔摩斯,文艺复兴的巨人还是最后一个莫希干人?
- Elizabeth I was the last of the Tudors. 伊利莎白一世是都铎王朝的最後一个君主。
- Moritsune:So the last of the vermin has arrived. 苍蛟龙:最后的蛆虫到了.
- The economy of the country is at a low ebb. 该国的经济处於衰退阶段。
- Uncas is the last of the Mohican Indians. 时值西元1757年,大英帝国与法国在北美开战。
- The last of these rows seems to have been the last straw. 这场口角看来是彻底破裂的导火线。
- We've eaten the last of the pineapples. 我们把剩下的菠萝都吃了。
- I squeezed out the last of the ketchup. 我把最后一点番茄酱挤出来。