- We should learn the frugality of last generation. 我们应该学习上辈的俭朴作风。
- Because last generation we were lovers. 083因为上辈子我们在一起。
- Many of the things that interested the last generation have already passed into silence. 上一辈人感兴趣的事物有许多已无人问津了。
- Dude, wtf? And this is from the studio that made its name last generation by being at the tech forefront? 老兄,这搞啥?这是来自那个在上个世代被称为技术前沿工作室的作品吗?
- Specialization in medicine has been one of the major enhancements in patient care over the last generation. 医学的专科化极大的促进了病人保健,超越了过去的一代。
- Specialization in medicine has been one of the major enhancements in patient care oer the last generation. 医学的专科化极大的促进了病人保健,超越了过去的一代。
- The debts of the last generation should not influence relationships in the next generation. 上一辈子的宿债不应该影响下一代的交情。
- Their books have supplied the need for last generation and the fact evinced that these traditional paper dictionaries are most useful for them. 每次周末都是过得很愉快,因为只有周末才有大块的时间见面。
- At the last general election only the Tories and Labour contested the seat, but the Alliance Party has also entered a candidate for the forthcoming by-election, making it a three-cornered fight. 在上次的大选中,只有保守党和工党争夺席位,但同盟党也参加了即将来到的补缺选举候选人,形成了三方竞争的局面。
- Labour was put in with an increased majority at the last General Election. 上次大选,工党以更大的多数当选。
- Over the last generation, they have worked hard to restore our national treasures and to find a way to conduct our economy that is more in harmony with the environment. 我们的父辈努力保护自然环境,设法找到使我们的经济与环境协调发展的途径。
- The last generation of "telco-quality" add-on speakerphones, with separately-housed microphone and speaker; made by both Western Electric (AT&T) and Precision Components, Inc. 最后一代具有电信话质的喇叭扩音器,带有独立麦克风和扬声器,由AT&T西部电子公司和精密元件公司共同生产。
- The last generation museums are devoted to natural history, which show the evolutionary changes of the earth and organisms through fossils and specimens. 世界上第一代博物馆属于自然博物馆,它是通过化石、标本等向人们介绍地球和各种生物的演化历史。
- It also displays a cynical attitude towards the values of the last generations. 它还对前代人的价值观表现出一种愤世嫉俗的态度。
- Mothers of the last generation raised their children on natural milk; today small children lie in sterile nurseries and are fed by nurses from bottles. Is this progress? 上一代妈妈把孩子一个个奶大,如今小孙儿却躺在无菌的婴儿室里,由护士以奶瓶哺喂。这是更进步了?还是退步了?
- Similarly, Mr.Laqueur's book should cause the bureaucrats in Brussels and the citizens of the continent to rethink their course of action over the last generation. 与此类似,拉克先生的书应该引起(欧盟)布鲁塞尔的官员和欧洲大陆的人们重新思考一下他们上一代人的政策道路(方向)。
- I got a new coat in that store last week. 上礼拜我在那家店买了一件新外套。
- That was infinitely better than his last film. 这比他上一部电影不知胜过多少倍。
- But the DTS isn't, since it's still based on the last generation of General Motors luxury sedan technology and design. 但是,DTS是没有,因为它仍然是基于上一代通用汽车豪华轿车技术和设计.