- Waxman launched his first formal salvo last August. 去年8月,华克斯曼第一次正式发动炮轰。
- He moved to another city last August. 去年八月,他搬到另一座城市。
- Last August I met the man of my dreams. 去年八月,我遇见了自己的梦中情人。
- Excise started being levied last August. 消费税起征于去年的8月份。
- The peace plan last August is still under discussion. 去年八月提出的和平计划还在讨论中。
- Russia's short war with Georgia last August has also sawed links. 去年八月俄国和格鲁吉亚的短暂战争也锯断了联系。
- Beidaihe last August a trip, let us try a taste enough. 今年8月的一次北戴河之旅就让我们尝够了个中滋味。
- But President Clinton declared nicotine an addictive drug last August. 然而,去年8月,克林顿总统宣布尼古丁为使人上瘾的麻醉药物。
- She directed the City of London Festival in 2002-5, prior to joining the LSO as Managing Director last August. 2002年5月她指导了的伦敦市艺术节,并于2005年8月加入伦敦交响乐团(LSO)担任总经理。
- Last August Dana Reeve announced that she had lung cancer. Smoking is linked to about ninety percent of cases. 去年8月,戴娜·里维宣布她患上了肺癌。约90%25的肺癌病例与吸烟有关。
- WITH NOTHING but a radio transmitter to herald its arrival, a gawky aluminum bird swooped over the north pole of the planet Neptune last August. 去年8月,一只粗笨的铝制飞鸟掠过海王星北极,它什么也不用,只用无线电发报机通报它到达了这颗行星。
- Their wrong ideas were the root cause of the defeats sustained last August by the Hunan-Kiangsi border area and by the Fourth Red Army in southern Hunan. 他们的这种错误意见,就是今年八月湘赣边界失败以及同时红军第四军在湘南失败的根本原因。
- The answer, according to its central bank, is 250 Zimbabwe dollars (Z$), the official exchange rate since last August. 按照津巴布韦中央银行从去年8月以来一直采用的汇率,一美元可以兑换250津元。
- Nippon TV revealed last August that the ship is at anchor in the harbor at Wonsan, Kangwon Province. 日本电视台透露,去年8月,该船是在锚在港在元山,江元。
- In response they called a recall referendum last August in a bid to unseat Mr Morales. 作为回应,他们呼吁取消去年八月份的公民投票试图使莫拉雷斯先生退位。
- The success of the large free badnight compain in Tanya lead the WHO to announce this recommandation last August. 去年八月在肯尼亚由世界卫生组织倡导的大面积的免费蚊帐战役十分成功。
- This picture was taken during the shuttle orbiter Endeavour's mission to expand the space station last August. 这张照片是去年八月时,奋进号太空梭前往太空站执行任务时所拍摄。
- Henry: It's a big pity that Zhao severely injured his Achilles tendon last August! 亨利:太遗憾了,赵宏博去年8月份跟腱严重受伤!
- Last August, he returned to Bazhong, Sichuan Province, where he is now attending middle school. 张家良是其中的一位学生,他于去年八月回到老家四川,现就读于巴州沙河中学。
- About 300,000 people in Britain have tried Shazam's service since it was introduced last August. 自去年8月推出以来,在英国已有大约30万人试过沙札姆的服务。