- For every patient,the duration of abolishing lash reflex from the very beginning of injection,eye opening and verbal response at request,as well as VAS value of postoperation were recorded. 分别记录各组患者从注药到睫毛反射消失时间、呼之睁眼时间、能回答问题时间、术后VAS评分。
- He beat the prisoner with a lash. 他用鞭子抽打囚犯。
- Let's lash out and have champagne. 咱们挥霍一下,喝香槟吧。
- It's just a dog's reflex movement. 这正是狗的反射运动。
- The lash of public opinion compelled him to resign. 舆论的严厉指责迫使他辞职。
- The waves lash (against) the rocks. 海浪拍打岩石。
- Sorry I hit you; it was a pure reflex. 对不起我撞著你了; 这完全是无意的。
- This is no time to lash out on a new stereo. 现在不是奢侈花钱买新立体音响的时候。
- A lash or blow producing such a mark. 猛击,猛抽产生这种痕迹的鞭打或猛击
- Motor coordination; a motor reflex. 肌肉运动的协调; 肌肉运动反射
- lash reflex 睫毛反射
- Material, such as cord or thread, used to lash or bind parts. 用来抽打的绳索用于鞭笞或捆缚部件的材料,如线或绳
- A law should be a reflex of the will of the people. 法律应该是全民意志的反映。
- The lion in the cage lash ed its tail. 槛中的狮子猛烈地摆动尾巴。
- Can we afford to lash out on an air-conditioner? 我们能拿出一笔可观的钱买空调器吗?
- The rain lash against the window. 大雨敲打窗户。
- It is very useful to use a miniature reflex camera. 使用小型反光镜照相机很有用。
- I can lash my knife to the butt of one of the oars. 我可以把我的刀子绑在一只桨把上。
- With a lash of its tail the tiger leaped at her. 老虎把尾巴一甩朝她扑过来。
- I have get a twin - lens reflex camera . 我有一架双镜头反射式照相机。