- laser shoot simulator 激光射击模拟器
- The current situation of aero-engine fan blades by laser shot processing(LSP) is introduced. 通过在航空发动机叶片表面引入残余压应力,激光冲击强化可以大幅度提高叶片的疲劳寿命。
- It analyzes the advertent items in the process of design and the method of driving, tuning, and protection measures of the laser shooter. 分析了设计过程中应注意的事项、蓝绿激光发送机的驱动和调制方法,以及蓝绿激光器的保护措施;
- We now shoot out laser light into a leaf. 现在雷射光射出成叶。
- It was a game where you could simulate simple processes like balls falling, lasers shooting, or cats pursuing mice. 在这个游戏中,你可以模拟一些简单的过程,如小球下落,激光射击,或猫追老鼠。
- The Research of Electromagnetic Compatible Performance in Laser Shoot Synchronization System 激光打靶同步系统电磁兼容性能研究
- Research on technology of metal plate plastic forming by laser shot peening 激光喷丸成形金属板料的研究
- There is no single laser fit for all purposes. 没有单一种激光器能适用于各种用途。
- How does a laser beam vaporize steel? 激光束是怎样使钢气化的?
- Laser beams are also used in surgery. 激光束还可用于外科手术。
- Laser beams may cauterize and heal ulcers. 激光束可以烧灼和愈合溃疡。
- He monopolizes the laser printer. 他独占了这台激光打印机。
- A laser is a device composed a special material. 激光器这种器件是用特殊材料制成的。
- The laser jet printer is out of order. 这台激光打印机不能正常工作了。
- On a lazy laser raiser lies a laser ray eraser. 在一个懒惰的激光器上放了一个激光消除器。
- The price of the laser printer is too high. 这台激光打印机的价格太高了。
- Can doctors use laser to treat my cataract? 医生可否用激光为我治疗白内障?
- Zhuhai Yuemao Laser Facility Engineering Co., Ltd. 珠海粤茂激光设备工程有限公司。
- Here's a laser going through the grapes. 这里的激光经过葡萄。
- Here's two shots of a laser going through the plum. 这里的两个镜头激光经过梅子。