- To attract large donors, the leadership of the Foundation from the Board on down must be professional and responsible, and must be able to reconcile the unique values of the constituent projects with the expectations of the donor community. 为了吸引这些捐赠,基金会的领导层,从理事会至下都要专业和负责任的,且有能力调和各个计划独特的价值观和捐款者社群的期望之间的差距。
- New York is among the largest cities in the world. 纽约是世界上最大的几座城市之一。
- Include some of the largest vessels afloat. 包括在海上航行着的一些最大的船只。
- The UK is largest bilateral donor on HIV and AIDS in China. 在双边层面上,英国是中国艾滋病项目最大的捐赠国。
- London used to be Britain's largest port. 伦敦过去是英国最大的港口城市。
- America had the largest mercantile marine. 美国当时拥有最大的商船队。
- She kept the largest apple for herself. 她把最大的苹果留给自己。
- The whale is the largest mammal in creation. 鲸是世上最大的哺乳类动物。
- Osaka is the second largest city in Japan. 大阪是日本的第二大城市。
- Nitroform is such a strong proton donor. 三硝基甲烷是一个极强的质子给予体。
- The problem is finding a compatible donor. 问题是要找到一个相匹配的骨髓捐赠者。
- But William has no curiosity about his donor. 但是威廉对那个捐精者毫无兴趣。
- largest donor 最大的捐赠国
- After Taiwan, Hainan is easily the largest of all our islands. 除了台湾,海南无疑地是我国最大的海岛。
- The donor prefers to remain anonymous. 捐赠者希望不披露姓名。
- The elephant is the largest four-footed animal in the world. 大象是世界上最大的四足动物。
- The donor's identity is a close secret. 捐赠人的身分是一个严加保守的秘密。
- The TV tower is by far the largest construction of our country. 电视塔明显地是我国最大的建筑。
- I wish to be an anonymous donor. 不希望公布姓名。
- The donor wants to be listed as John Doe. 该捐献者希望匿名