- Richard Li Tzar-kai remains PCCW's largest shareholders but his interest in the company will be diluted to about 25 per cent. 李泽楷仍是电盈的最大股东,但他的持股量已摊薄至大约25%25。
- For that, Panasonic will have to sit down with Sanyo’s three largest shareholders, Goldman Sachs, Daiwa Securities SMBC and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking. 有争议的是,松下的这一举措是否会引发日本企业间的合并和结盟热潮。
- Can Equity Incentive Deter the Tunneling of Large Shareholders? 股权激励能够抑制大股东掏空吗?
- The reason for this is that most emerging and developing countries see it as unrepresentative and the fief of Europe and America, its largest shareholders. 造成这的原因是大多数新兴经济国家以及发展中国家认为基金组织不具有代表性,同时认为该组织是欧美(其最大股东)的天下。
- Can Independent Directors Deter the Tunneling of Large Shareholders? 独立董事能否抑制大股东的“掏空”?
- AIG and government officials reject Mr Greenberg's accusations and say his criticisms stem from his status as one of AIG's largest shareholders and his legal wrangles with the company. AIG和政府官员对格林伯格的指责予以反驳,称他的批评源自他是AIG最大股东之一,加上他与公司之间存在法律纠纷。
- Prior to this, more market speculation, as a cold machine Guangzhou's largest shareholders moving scroll industry sources, will be the scroll's technology into the cooler in Guangzhou. 此前,市场更多猜测,作为广州冷机第一大股东的动源涡卷实业公司,将会把旗下的涡卷技术注入到广州冷机中。
- ICBC branch in Guangdong Kelon ST is the third largest shareholder. 工行广东分行是ST科龙的第三大股东。
- The large shareholders may expropriate interests of small shareholders through various methods. 大股东利用控制权可以通过多种手段掠夺中小股东利益。
- For large shareholders regarding alleged insider trading, * ST Hongsheng opening today, at last confirmed. 对于大股东涉嫌内幕交易一事,*ST宏盛今日终于开口证实。
- The literature on motives of takeover has showed that shared benefits and private benefits of control is main motive of large shareholders. 关于公司接管动因的研究文献表明,控制权的共享收益和私人收益是大股东出现的主要动力;
- Mazda joined Ford Motor Company, now its largest shareholder, in1992. 在1992年,福特汽车公司入股马自达,并成为其最大的股东。
- The most distinct traits of ownership structure of listed firms in China are complexity, liquidity and concentricity, which result in large shareholders" abuse of ownership. 中国上市公司股权构成的最大特点是具有复杂性、流动性和集中性,并因此导致大股东滥用股权。
- Mazda joined Ford Motor Company, now its largest shareholder, in 1992. 在1992年,福特汽车公司入股马自达,并成为其最大的股东。
- Multiple large shareholders are likely to dampen expropriation of outside shareholders by controlling shareholders in Europe, while the opposite is true in Asia. 而在亚洲,多个大股东则会合谋掠夺外部股东,支付较低股利甚至不支付股利。
- But 'we believe strongly this is not the right move to make and we are communicating with large shareholders and telling them that and trying to convince them of our position. 但我们十分相信,这不是一个正确的做法,我们也在跟大股东联系,告诉他们这一点,并试图说服他们接受我们的立场。
- Theoretical researches show that the primary agency problem of firms is that large shareholders expropriate minority shareholders in the rising Asian countries, including China,. 如果资产评估质量低下,企业股份制改制中的评估增值率异常,这将导致很多企业股份制改制后的产权安排失去公允性,大股东以较少的资产获取了较多的股份,增加对上市公司的控制权。
- Deutsche Bank has thus to become the third largest shareholder of Huaxia Bank. 德意志银行也由此跻身至华夏银行第三大股东。
- Thirdly, second largest shareholders will induce large shareholders' incentive effect and control their entrenchment effect, especially when large shareholders' share is relatively small. (3)次大股东的存在有利于发挥大股东的激励效应,抑制大股东的防御效应,特别是当大股东不处于控股地位时。
- By comparing the values of utility of the revenue between expropriation and non-expropriation, it concluded that the expropriation is the rational choice for the large shareholders. 通过比较侵害与不侵害两种情况下收益的效用值,得出侵害小股东利益是大股东的理性选择。