- If the poison is in the eye, flush with large volumes of water. 如果是眼睛毒,大量水冲洗。
- Every day the chimneys of factories pour a large volume of smoke to the air to pollute it. 工厂的烟囱每天把大量的烟雾排放到空气中去,造成空气污染。
- Large volume of data were gathered. 人们收集了大量的资料。
- These organics impregnate large volumes of sandstone. 这种有机质渗入了大面积的砂岩。
- All cryogenic liquids produce large volumes of gas when they vaporize. 所有低温液体在蒸发时都会产生大量的气体。
- And how to take large volumes of information and distill it down to just exactly what you need. 以及如何获得大量的信息并从中提取你所需要的内容。
- We find relatively large volumes of particulate fillers being used in many composites. 我们发现在许多复合材料中正在采用较多量的粉状填料。
- To move large volumes of any gas requires compressing it, or else the pipeline has to have a diameter similar to that of an airplane fuselage. 任何一种气体都必须经过压缩,才能够大量输送,否则管径就必须与飞机的机身差不多大。
- The Push Service is built on a scalable message delivery architecture that supports large volumes of messages to many different types of devices. Push Service 构建于可伸缩的消息传送体系结构之上,支持向多种设备发送大容量的消息。
- Synchronizing databases over a message system may lead to large volumes of messages. 通过消息系统同步数据库可能导致生成大量消息。
- Decision-support systems have low update requirements, but large volumes of data. 决策支持系统只需要很少的更新,但数据量很大。
- That technique uses a magnetic field to hold large volumes of the same isotopes of hydrogen inside a doughnut-shaped vessel, called a tokamak. 磁约束聚变的方法就是利用磁场,将大量氢的同位素维持在环形容器(称为托卡马克)中。
- For large volumes of material, the fluctuations average out to be negligible relative to the total magnetism. 对于大块的磁性材料,晃动的程度与总磁性相比可以忽略。
- As an entrepot, we handle a large volume of re-exports. 此外,香港也是个转口港,处理大量转口贸易。
- Shellfish are primarily filter feeders, meaning that they strain large volumes of seawater through their bodies to concentrate food material such as microscopic algae. 贝类基本上是滤食动物,牠们的身体会过滤大量海水,聚集微小的藻类做为食物。
- Volumes of black smoke poured fromthe chimney. 烟囱里冒出来团团黑烟。
- As an entrepot,we handle a large volume of re-exports. 此外,香港也是个转口港,处理大量转口贸易。
- How to use information that is much faster and how to take large volumes of information and distill it down to just exactly what you need. 如何非常快地利用信息,以及如何获得大量的信息并从中提取你所需要的内容。
- Large volumes of intravenous ?uids may not be available in the ?rst 48 hours after an earthquake, so typical practice patterns must be modi?ed. 地震后第一个48小时内,大量的静脉补液可能无法实现,所以必须对常规的输液模式加以修正。
- Dyeing effluents from textile industry are large volumes of heavily pollutive wastewaters with high colourity,containing complicated components. 印染废水具有水量大、色度高、成分复杂、环境污染严重等特点。