- A Kind of the Designation Skill on Warm Extrusion Concave Die Hole of Large Deformation Degree Part 大变形零件温挤压凹模型孔设计技巧
- large deformation degree 大变形程度
- Large deformation only occurs in the case of very high rotation speed. 只有在转速极高时,弹道簧才会产生局部严重变形。
- The results show that for the large deformation MPF of the 3-D surface s... 这个结果可以作为开发大变形量的多点成形压力机的理论依据。
- It concluded that deformation rate showed specific effect on the four textural parameters involved, but deformation degree had none. 结果表明,压缩程度对考察的四个质构参数有显著影响,压缩速率无显著影响。
- A beam of channel croas section was analysed closely,. its large deformation and critical moment was given. 本文仔细分析了一个槽形截面梁的大变形并给出了其临界弯矩。
- Study is made of the influence of the process of cold pressing and roughing followed by rolling ,of deformation degree and annealing on the structure and properties of Ta slabs. 以电子束熔炼的纯钽锭为原料,研究了冷压开坯然后进行轧制的工艺,以及加工变形量、退火工艺对钽板的组织与性能的影响。
- This large deformation is called for rock dilatancy if volume dilation only occurs owing to stress redistribution. 这种大变形如果仅是应力重分布引起的体积膨胀则称为岩石扩容。
- How deformation temperature,deformation degree and subsequent annealing way affect the microstructure of TC11 alloy by means of photographic detection is discussed. 文章采用金相跟踪法研究了变形温度、变形程度及随后的退火方式对TC11钛合金显微组织的影响。
- The large deformation degenerates the serviceability seriously,and even jeopardizes the traffic safety. 介绍了国内外有关混凝土徐变机理与特性的研究进展。
- The effects of deformation temperature, strain rate, deformation degree, and initial austenite grain size on the static recrystallization behaviors were studied. 讨论变形温度、应变速率、变形程度与初始奥氏体晶粒尺寸对其静态再结晶行为的影响。
- Based on the idea,a new extensible bolt is designed for large deformation support of surrounding rock. 室内与现场试验证实了新型可伸长锚杆协调围岩大变形的优良性能,可在围岩大变形支护中推广应用。
- The method of relationship between plastic deformation degree and grain size was put forward,when the thermos-deformation of metal was simulated by the thermos-torsion test. 提出了采用热扭转试验来模拟金属材料热变形时塑性变形程度与晶粒大小相互关系的方法。
- Then, this paper used large deformation contact FEA, and assured the accordance of the finite element model with the actual load. 针对柔轮实际受载的复杂性,本文对柔轮有限元模型作了独创性的简化,包括对称简化、边界简化和轮齿简化,既避免了不必要的细节分析,又弥补了理论分析的不足,并获得了理想的效果。
- A large deformation elastic plastic FEM model is employed to simulate the stretch flanging of V shaped sheet metal parts. 采用弹塑性大变形有限元方法研究了几何形状和材料参数对“V”型零件翻边的影响;
- The stability of single cavern roof is studied with cusp catastrophe model of large deformation circular plate with fixed supports. 采用固支大变形圆板突变模型研究了单井溶腔顶板的稳定性,得出了溶腔顶板岩层失稳的必要条件;
- Abstract: This paper is about the mechanical properties ofgelatin-carrageenan co-gels.Small and large deformation experiments are carried out. 摘 要: 本文对明胶与卡拉胶共凝胶体的力学特性进行了研究,小变形实验发现随体系卡拉胶百分数的增加,贮能模量在增加。
- Thus the deformation of enclaves are modeled with physical process of the interaction between enclaves and their host magmas. As the result, the real ascent rate of the host magma with the field data about the size deformation degree can be determined. 因此,可用包体与岩浆相互作用的物理过程来模拟包体的变形特点,而反过来据实测的包体变形程度数据又可推算岩浆真实的上升速度
- Since the mechanical derivation of infinitesimal strain can't eliminate effect of rigid displacement, large deformation theory must be used in it. 采用无限小应变度量将不能消除刚体位移的影响,必须采用大变形理论。
- These frequencies are higher than the driving speed of the spreader, therefore the large deformation on the spreader doesn't appear. 因此,本文所研制之电动撒布机不会达到自然频率产生共振现象亦不会在机体上出现重大变形。