- After supper the quarrel lapsed into silence. 晚饭后争吵逐渐平息下来了。
- His weak chest was a legacy of a childhood illness. 他那瘦弱的胸脯是儿时患病的后遗症。
- He was reared in the lap of luxury. 他在奢侈的环境中长大。
- The runner is still going strong on the last lap. 那个赛跑运动员在跑最後一圈时仍然劲头很足。
- His uncle left him a legacy of $50,000. 他叔父给他留下五万元遗产。
- Several hours lapsed before he woke up. 过了好几个小时他才醒。
- Each row of tiles laps the one below. 每一排瓦都搭在下面的一排上。
- lapsed legacy [法] 失效的遗产承受权
- The child sat on its mother's lap. 小孩坐在妈妈的膝上。
- For quite some time, everything fell into his lap. 好长一段时间他事事称心如意。
- The engine conked out on the final lap. 发动机在最后一圈时失灵了
- An unexpected legacy enabled him to wipe off the debt on his house. 一笔意想不到的遗产使他得以还清买房子欠下的债。
- A lapsed Catholic; a lapsed club member. 离经叛道的天主教徒; 不再参加活动的俱乐部成员
- She has fall asleep with an open book in her lap. 她睡着了,腿上还摊开着一本书。
- The patient lapsed into unconsciousness. 病人失去了知觉。
- She flatters John all the time and John just laps it up. 她一直向约翰献媚,而约翰亦欣然接受。
- She was brought up in the lap of luxury. 她从小养尊处优。
- Mother holds the baby in/on her lap. 母亲将婴儿抱在膝上。
- The waves gently lap against the shore. 海浪轻轻地拍打着海岸。
- He slept for a while and lapsed into dreaminess. 他睡了一会儿就堕入恍忽迷离的境界。