- He was reared in the lap of luxury. 他在奢侈的环境中长大。
- The runner is still going strong on the last lap. 那个赛跑运动员在跑最後一圈时仍然劲头很足。
- In the fourth lap,Mark began to come into the lead. 跑第4圈时马克开始领先。
- The child sat on its mother's lap. 小孩坐在妈妈的膝上。
- He vainly tried to mark the defacing stain out. 他试图除去有损外观的污迹,但没有成功。
- For quite some time, everything fell into his lap. 好长一段时间他事事称心如意。
- The engine conked out on the final lap. 发动机在最后一圈时失灵了
- She has fall asleep with an open book in her lap. 她睡着了,腿上还摊开着一本书。
- She was brought up in the lap of luxury. 她从小养尊处优。
- Her school work isn't quite up to the mark. 她的功课不大符合要求。
- Mother holds the baby in/on her lap. 母亲将婴儿抱在膝上。
- That was just a lot of hot air what Mark said. 马克所说的不过是一大堆空话。
- The waves gently lap against the shore. 海浪轻轻地拍打着海岸。
- War has left its mark on the country. 战争给该国留下了不可磨灭的痕迹。
- She had fallen asleep with an open book in her lap. 她睡著了,腿上还摊开著一本书。
- The public scandal left a black mark on his career. 这一尽人皆知的丑闻给他的事业留下了污点。
- Harris go on top in the last lap. 哈利斯在最后一圈跑到了最前面。
- How much do you know about the works of Mark Twin. 马克。吐温写的作品你知道多少?
- He pillowed his head on her lap. 他把头枕在她的大腿上。
- Happy anniversary, Helen and Mark! 海伦、马克,祝你们结婚周年快乐!