- The study of language learnability is not oriented to whether language is learnable but to explaining how the language acquisition device does its work. 语言可学性研究不是关于语言是否可以被学得,而是试图解释语言习得机制完成习得任务的方式。
- In Chomsky's Innateness Hypothesis, it is held that, in human brain, there is innate Universal Grammar which lies in one part of human brain called language acquisition device (LAD). 乔姆斯基的语言天赋论认为,人脑中有一种天生的普遍语法,这一普遍语法存在于人脑中一个叫做语言习得机制的地方。
- Since Chomsky put forward the notion of "Language Acquisition Device", Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research has given rise to theories such as Acculturation Model, Monitor Theory, Functional-Typological Theory and so on. 自乔姆斯基提出语言习得机制,第二语言习得研究衍生出文化适应模式(Acculturation Model),监控理论(Monitor Theory),功能类型理论(Functional-typological Theory)等。
- The Universal Grammar theory, proposed and formulated by the American linguist Noam Chomsky in the 1980s, is a development of his earlier ideas of Language Acquisition Device (LAD) and "Poverty-of-the-stimulus" argument. 美国语言学家乔姆斯基在上世纪八十年代提出的普遍语法理论,是在他早期的“语言习得机制”(LAD)理论和“刺激贫乏”理论的基础上发展起来的。
- Language Acquisition Device and “Poverty-of-the-stimulus” are two important issues along with the mentalist approach and provide further argument for the existence of an innate language faculty. 乔姆斯基认为,普遍语法是指“在人的大脑中具有的包含原则和参数的语言官能”,它是“由人类所有语言所共有的原则、条件和规则组成的系统,是人类语言的本质所在。”
- Language Acquisition Device and Language Learning 语言习得机制与语言学习
- language acquisition device(LAD) 语言掌握装置; 语言获得装置
- LAD [language acquisition device] 语言习得机制
- language acquisition device 语言掌握装置
- How does the acculturation theory explain the second language acquisition? 文化传递说?
- Hatch, E. Second Language Acquisition [M]. Rowley, Mass: Newbury House, 1978:8. 束定芳,庄智象.;现代外语教学-理论、实践与方法[M]
- In other words, when the filter is 'up' it impedes language acquisition. 总之,当过滤上升时,它会妨碍习得。
- This paper introduces the design of the portable data acquisition device based on MSP430 SCM,and expounds the interface design and relevant program of MSP 430 SCM. 介绍了基于MSP430单片机设计的便携式数据采集装置,阐述了MSP430单片机电路的接口设计和相应的程序。
- Are functional categories to blame for the general failure in second language acquisition? 第二语言习得的普遍失败应归咎于功能语类吗?
- A new type of data acquisition device with USB module was developed based on microcontroller AT09S8515 and USB interface controlling IC PDIUSBD12. 设计了基于AT09S8515单片机和PDIUSBD12接口控制器件的USB数据采集设备。
- Relating to or involving a system of language acquisition that focuses intensively on listening and speaking. 通过听说练习的有关或涉及集中训练听说的语言学习系统的
- The addition of internal gain and internal overrange registers make the AD7765 a compact, highly integrated data acquisition device requiring minimal peripheral components. AD7765还集成了内部增益与内部超量程寄存器,使之成为一款高度集成的紧凑型数据采集器件,只需极少的外围元件。
- Input is a very important factor in the study of second language acquisition( SLA). 输入是影响二语习得的一个重要因素。
- TWAIN protocol is the communication interface of image acquisition device and application of still image architecture proposed by EPSON、HP、RICOH and Kadark. 由EPSON、HP、RICOH和科达等企业联合提出的TWAIN协议是静态图像系统中图像获取设备与应用程序间的通信接口。
- How does the habit-formation theory explain the second language acquisition process? 习惯养成论如何解释二语获得过程?