- The landscape unrolled under the speeding plane. 大自然的景色展现在快速飞行的飞机之下。
- Hill and woods diversify the landscape. 山陵和树林点缀景色。
- Which TV station is the programme on? 这个节目在哪家电视台播放?
- This landscape is disfigured by a power station. 风景被发电厂破坏了。
- The landscape was grey and stark. 景色灰暗荒凉。
- The programme includes two Mozart sonatas. 节目单中有两首莫扎特的奏鸣曲。
- This programme is angled at young viewers. 这个节目是针对年轻观众的。
- The whole landscape looked as flat as a pancake. 整个地形十分平坦。
- It is a programme beamed at Asia. 这是一个对亚洲地区广播的节目。
- The next programme is introduced by Mary Davidson. 下一个节目由玛丽·戴维森主持。
- That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring. 那是一幅描绘春天景色的油画。
- China embark on a massive programme of reform. 中国着手进行大规模的改革。
- In tonight's programme our focus is on Germany. 在今天晚上的节目中我们重点介绍德国。
- What's the programme for tomorrow? 明天有什么节目?
- She continued her survey of the landscape. 她继续眺望景色。
- She preferred a good landscape to a portrait. 较之人像画她更喜欢美丽的风景画。
- The television programme was rapidly losing ground in the ratings. 这个电视节目的收视率正在迅速下降。
- The landscape unfolded before us. 那景色展现在我们面前。
- This programme is being broadcast in stereo. 这一节目正用立体声播出。
- I prefer landscape to still life. 我喜欢风景画,不喜欢静物画。