- The main driving forces of the landscape pattern change in Zigui were the relocation of the County and the implementation of forestry policies. 该区景观格局变化的驱动力主要为县城搬迁和林业政策。
- XIAO D N.Study on landscape pattern change in the western suburb of Shenyang[M]//XIAO D N.Theory, methodology and application of landscape ecology.Beijing: China Forestry Publishing House,1990. [1]肖笃宁.;沈阳西郊景观格局变化的研究[M]//肖笃宁主编
- A study on the landscape pattern change of oasis in arid land 石河子莫索湾垦区绿洲景观格局变化分析
- Analysis of Land Use and Landscape Pattern Change in West of Hainan Island 海南岛西部土地利用变化及其景观格局动态分析
- Research on Landscape Pattern Change in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park 张家界森林公园景观格局变化分析
- Land Use and Landscape Pattern Change in Source Region of the Yellow River 黄河源区土地利用与景观格局变化
- Landscape Pattern Change of Mountain-hill Areas and Its Ecological Effects in the East of Guizhou Province 黔东山地丘陵区景观格局演变及其生态效应
- Landscape pattern change at the upper reaches of Minjiang River and its driving force 岷江上游典型时期景观格局变化及驱动力初步分析
- Effects of Landscape Pattern Change on Urban Heat-island Effect in Arid Areas--A Case Study in Urumqi 城市景观格局变化对城市热岛效应的影响--以乌鲁木齐市为例
- landscape pattern change 景观格局变化
- Landscape pattern analysis based on boundary characteristics. 基于边界特征的景观格局分析。
- Study on Land Use and Landscape Pattern Changes Along Traffic Trunk Lines in the Town 小城镇交通沿线土地利用和景观格局变化研究
- Results showed that there was a big change in wetland landscape pattern from 1986 to 2000 and that the huma... 结果显示,1986-2000年,湿地景观发生了较大变化,人为因子是九龙江河口湿地景观变化的直接驱动力,自然因子以不同强度和方式影响湿地景观的演化。
- Landscape pattern changes in small watershed on the basis of policies of land withdrawing from cultivation 退耕政策下小流域景观格局变化研究
- A comparative researches on landscape pattern changes in different rock desertification peak cluster-depressions 不同石漠化程度岩溶峰丛洼地系统景观格局的比较
- As the corridor of estuarine tidal flat landscape, the pattern change of creek led to the subsequent change of other landscape elements. 3)研究发现潮沟在崇明东滩景观变化中扮演着重要角色,作为河口潮滩湿地景观__仁的廊道,其格局特征的变化导致了其它景观要素相应变化。
- Structure regulation on land uses and landscape pattern changes based on matter element analysis in small watershed 基于物元分析的小流域土地利用结构调整及景观格局变化
- Over the next months their work pattern changed. 在以后的几个月中,他们的工作方式改变了。
- Study on the variation of landscape pattern in the west suburbs of Shenyang. 沈阳西郊景观格局变化的研究
- The landscape pattern of desert-steppe of Suninteyou district was analyzed. 摘要以苏尼特右旗荒漠草原为例分析了荒漠草原的景观格局。