- landing rules for seamen 船吊岸注意事项
- We have in view a new hospital for seamen. 我们考虑给海员们建一座新医院。
- The guidelines lies down rules for dealing with traffic offence. 基本原则规定了处理违犯交通法规的规则。
- Kenya was under (British) colonial rule for many years. 肯尼亚曾多年受(英国)殖民统治。
- I cannot narrow down the rules for this game. 我不能限制这场比赛的规则。
- Pirate Policy: Set the rules for your pirates. 海盗们的法规:为你的小喽罗们订些规矩吧!
- Authenticity: a Golden Rule for the Reading Course? 真实性:衡量阅读课的唯一标准?
- Here are some simple rules for Bible reading. 这里有几个简单读圣经的方法
- There are no hard-and-fast rules for success. 通往成功没有什么一成不变的规则。
- Rules for repairing and maintenanse of ferrocement. 钢丝网水泥船维修保养规程。
- Follows rules for secure scoping. 遵循安全范围的准则。
- Accepted rules for an action; code; standard. 轨范:行动所遵循的标准。
- Accidental treatment rules for mechanical damage i. 港口机械机损事故处理规定。
- The sort keys and matching rules for this control. 用于该控件的排序关键字和匹配规则。
- Could you tell us the general rules for greetings? 打招呼致意的一般规则是什么?
- The seamen were gasping for the sight of land. 海员渴望看到陆地。
- Set of rules for crossing the road safely. 过马路的安全规则。
- The hard rules for the game confuse me. 这比赛的严格规则使迷惑。
- What are the rules for the bid cities? 申办2008年奥运会需要遵守哪些规定?
- Reverse these rules for shorting in bear markets. 下跌市场则反之。