- The study of land intensive utilization potential evaluation was aim to fully excavate urban land use potentiality. 摘要土地集约利用潜力测算研究是充分挖掘城市土地利用潜力的基础。
- Their export concentrates on labor intensive products. 他们的出口商品主要是劳动密集型商品。
- The engine blade works in atrocious environment, needs to be designed and tested in advanced technology, this is a knowledge intensive and technology intensive product. 由于航空发动机叶片的工作环境恶劣,技术复杂,加工、检测技术要求高,是知识密集、技术密集产品。
- So we will have to take the practical effective measures, andreasonably will control the cities to use the scale, promoting land intensive use withcontinue to development. 我国正处于工业化、城镇化快速发展时期,城镇建设与农业生产在用地上的矛盾还将进一步加剧,为此,必须采取切实有效的措施,合理控制城镇用地规模,促进土地集约利用与持续发展。
- Studied the classification and stage of urban land intensive use potentials and provided macro guide for steps of urban land intensive use potentials tapping. 摘要研究城市土地集约利用潜力的类别与阶次细分,为城市土地集约利用挖潜的具体步骤提供宏观导向。
- Complex product and systems (CoPS) can be defined as high cost, technology and software intensive products, systems and networks, which are manufactured in small batches. 复杂产品系统是指研发成本高、规模大、技术含量高(技术密集)、用户定制、单件或小批量生产的大型产品、系统或基础设施。
- Chapter 2 is tallying up the concept and the characteristic of urban land intensive utilization, and the related concept and the necessity of study in urban land intensive utilization. 第二章是城市土地集约利用的概述,总结了城市土地集约利用的概念,城市土地集约利用的特性,城市土地集约利用与相关概念的关系及城市土地集约利用研究的必要性。
- Urban land intensive use potentials result should be classified and staged, only in this way, the fruit of study on land intensive use potentials would be put into practice and much more operation. 城市土地集约利用潜力评价应将潜力测算的结果进行分类分阶,这样才能使城市土地集约挖潜工作落到实处,可操作性更强。
- Our farm adopts appropriate scale operation and intensive production and supplies good quality and cheep potted flowers. 花木场采取规模化经营,专业化管理,集约化生产方式,为您提供优质而且各式价廉的盆花。
- Therefore, Chinas manufacturing is infirm in international division of labor, especially for the technology and capital intensive products. 因此,中国制造业国际分工地位低下,在技术和资本密集型产品上尤为低下。
- The production of high-level human capital intensive products causes the increase in the demand for high-level human capital laborers and enlarges the wage gap. 高等人力资本密集型产品的生产引起了高等人力资本水平劳动力需求的增加,扩大了工资差距。
- Brainstorm on the way of using land intensively and thriftily to promote the harmonious development of the society. 拓宽集约节约用地思路,促进和谐社会发展。
- After entering WTO,export of abour intensive products will be further enlarged, while import of capital intensive and teconology intensive products being greatly enlarged. 入世后,我国劳动力密集型产品出口将进一步扩大,而资本、技术密集型产品进口增长较快。
- Since 2/3 of pigs was produced by households, the policy should play a key role to guide and encourage householders production towards intensive production. 鉴于中国生猪饲养量的2/3仍然由农户生产,畜牧业政策对于正确引导和鼓励户饲养和朝向规模化方向发展具有重要作用。
- Safeguard mechanism about land intensive exploiting 完善节约集约用地保障机制的思考
- In the trade of commodity, the increase of proportion of finished products in export can change the product demand structure of our country and enhance the production of high-level human capital intensive products. 在商品贸易中,制成品出口比例的增加会改变我国的产品需求结构,使高等人力资本密集型产品的生产增加。
- city land intensive exploitation 城市土地集约利用
- Composite index of land intensive use potential 土地集约利用潜力综合指数
- cultivated land intensive degree 耕地利用集约度
- cultivated land intensive utilization 耕地集约利用