- land following shoe 仿形滑板
- Spring-mounted Injector Base: Apply cement onto insole evenly by following shoe bottom curve. 弹性底座胶盘机构:胶盘底座具弹性,可依鞋底弧度形状,均匀布胶于中底。
- This knowledge comes from the remembrance of the vast starvation that occurred upon this land following the nuclear annihilation of Atlantis. 这一知识就来自于亚特兰蒂斯核毁灭后,发生在这块土地上大量饥荒的古老记忆。
- The sea encroached on the land following the quake, and ruins of Herakleion are now about four miles from land in the Bay of Abu Qir.The sea also engulfed Canopus and Menouthis. 地震后不久,由于气候因素造成的地中海水位上涨使得海水逐渐侵蚀了这些倒塌的城市,昔日的古城由盛转衰,往日的喧嚣和繁荣也随着时间被彻底埋葬。
- A period of settlement, extensive land purchases from the French and Spanish, and annexation of Indian and Mexican lands followed. 一段时期的殖民统治,扩大的领土购买从法国和西班牙,和后来的印第安和墨西哥的土地合并。
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。
- The place used to be a stretch of barren land. 早先这里是一片不毛之地。
- Swans are surprisingly awkward on land. 天鹅在陆地上笨得出奇。
- That remote barren land has blossomed into rich granaries. 过去的穷乡僻壤变成了富饶的谷仓。
- The land flattens out near the coast. 海岸附近地势变得很平坦。
- 44. Spring-mounted Injector Base: Apply cement onto insole evenly by following shoe bottom curve. 弹性底座胶盘机构:胶盘底座具弹性,可依鞋底弧度形状,均匀布胶于中底。
- The blizzard blotted out the sky and the land. 暴风雪铺天盖地而来。
- The storm blew fiercely over land and sea. 暴风雨猛烈地吹过陆地和海面。
- How they long to get a sight of their native land! 他们多么渴望看一看故乡啊!
- He came and staked out a claim to the land. 他来提出要求说那块地应归他占有。
- He makes a grant of land to his son. 他将土地受让给他的儿子。
- The land is destined for a new shopping center. 这块地已被划作为营建一个新购物中心之用。
- The land is to be sold with plan permission. 这块地与建筑许可证一并出售。
- The spy was dishonourably banished from, the land. 那个间谍被不光彩地驱逐出境。
- The land dips sharply to the south. 那块地向南急速倾斜。