- land contract economics 土地契约经济
- It comes from rural land contract, having own special with the contract corpus and contents etc. 它泊来于农村土地承包合同,又在合同主体、客体和内容等方面有自己的独特性。
- Land contract responsibility system clarifying the rural land use and income rights, but is still the land collectively owned. 土地承包责任制明晰了农村土地的使用和收益权利,但土地仍是集体所有。
- If no certificates of right to operate land contract or certificates of forestland has been issued, such certificates shall be issued. 未向承包方颁发土地承包经营权证或者林权证等证书的,应当补发证书。
- Thereafter, the land contract was furthermore made inheritable to the peasants households, thus to encourage longer term invest. 其后,土地合同更被定为可以由耕种这块土地的农户继承,以鼓励更长期的投资。
- Bacause land contract operation right is defined as usufructuary right, there is a serious loss of the farmers' interests during the rural land expropriation. 将土地承包经营权界定为用益物权是导致当前农地征用征收过程中农民利益严重丧失的一大重要原因。
- A rural land contract arbitration commission may be established in a county or un-districted city, or in a districted city or a jurisdictional area thereof. 农村土地承包仲裁委员会可以在县和不设区的市设立,也可以在设区的市或者其市辖区设立。
- The rural land contract arbitration commission shall formulate bylaws under this Law, specifying the determination and term of office of its members, rules of procedures, etc. 农村土地承包仲裁委员会应当依照本法制定章程,对其组成人员的产生方式及任期、议事规则等作出规定。
- We should continue implementing and improving the rural household land contract system, manage well the non-agricultural land and prohibit unauthorized use and expropriation of arable land. 坚持和完善农村土地承包政策,搞好非农用地的管理和调控,严禁滥占乱征耕地。
- We should continue implementing and improving the rural household land contract system,manage well the non-agricultural land and prohibit unauthorized use and expropriation of arable land. 坚持和完善农村土地承包政策,搞好非农用地的管理和调控,严禁滥占乱征耕地。
- The right of operation of land contracted by peasants shall be protected by law. 农民的土地承包经营权受法律保护。
- An important premise to the specialized cooperation behavior of peasant is that the family management with land contract fulls development, and throughout takes this as foundation. 农民专业合作行为产生的重要前提是家庭土地承包经营的充分发展,并始终以此为基础;
- On Audit Relationship from the Aspect of Contract Economics 从契约经济学的角度谈审计关系
- So long as the peasant laborer cannot turn the resident, their land contracting right of management with difficulty effectively pasts. 只要农民工不能变成市民,他们的土地承包经营权就难以有效流转。”
- Renowned economist Li Yining pointed out that in the realistic situation, must treat the countryside land contracting system prudently. 著名经济学家厉以宁指出,在现实情况下,必须慎重对待农村土地承包制。
- The land contracting right of management circulation does not mean that walks to privatizing ownership of the land's direction. 土地承包经营权流转并不意味着向土地私有化的方向上走。
- The existing land contracting relations maintain stable and long-time invariable, eats the persistent effect to the farmer “the reassuring medicine”. 现有土地承包关系保持稳定并长久不变,给农民吃长效“定心丸”。
- The land is laid down with red or white clover. 这块土地种上了红花和白花苜蓿。
- The place used to be a stretch of barren land. 早先这里是一片不毛之地。
- Giving full play to the role of the land in ensuring elderly people's livelihood and protecting farmers', including the elderly people's, right to operate land contracted to them. 发挥土地养老的保障作用,保护包括广大老年人在内的农民土地承包经营权。