- lanceolate sedge herb 羊胡髭草
- Sedge grows in marshes or near water. 芦苇生长在沼泽地带或水边。
- convexutricle sedge herb 三棱草
- I had to take the herb tea although it's bitter. 虽然汤药很苦,我还是不得不喝了。
- He alighted on a rare medical herb. 他偶然找到了一种稀有的草药。
- baccate sedge herb 山稗子
- A plant having no permanent woody stem; an herb. 草本植物,花草没有永久木茎的植物; 草本植物
- European sedge having small edible nutlike tubers. 欧洲的一种莎草,具有小的、可食用的坚果状块茎。
- Meyer Sedge fiber is a new type of green fiber. 乌拉草纤维是一种新型的绿色环保纤维。
- Eurasian fern with simple lanceolate fronds. 带有披针形复叶的分布于欧亚大陆的一种蕨类。
- Chinese sedge yielding edible bulb-shaped tubers. 中国的一种苔草,结可食的球状块茎。
- The essence drawn out from this medicinal herb is good for high blood pressure. 从这种药草提炼出来的精华对治疗高血压有效。
- Leaf blade narrowly lanceolate or linear-oblong. 叶片狭披针形的或线形长圆形。
- Calyx teeth lanceolate, longer than stylopodium. 披针形的萼齿,长于花柱基。
- Then the Berkeley Sedge grew, and grew. 随后,伯克利莎草开始不停地长啊,长啊。
- Bracts and bracteoles subulate or lanceolate. 苞片和小苞片钻形的或披针形。
- Stipules caducous, lanceolate, ca. 1.5 cm. 托叶早落,披针形,大约1.;5厘米。
- He stood over the cowering Herb with fists of fury. 他紧握着两个拳头怒气冲天地站在惊魂未定的赫伯面前。
- Leaves linear to lanceolate, thin and soft. 叶线形到披针形,薄和柔软。
- This medicinal herb is hard to come by. 这种草药很难得。