- lamella endodermis 内皮板
- The Casparian strip is not clear in the endodermis. 内皮层未见凯氏带。
- Phellem layer can do cork, endodermis can do dye. 木栓层可做软木塞,内皮可做染料。
- Having the form of a thin plate or lamella. 薄片形的有薄片或鳃瓣状形体的。
- There is not lamella in the ingot. 钢锭没有明显的片层状组织。
- The inner layer of the cortex differentiates into the endodermis. 皮层的内层分化为内皮层。
- Guo NS. Progress of research on endodermis function. Guangdong Yi Xue. 郭南山。内皮功能研究进展。广东医学。
- The primary root is tetrarch,and endodermis with casparian strip is obvious. 初生根为四原型 ,内皮层明显 ,可见到凯氏带。
- Haplostele A type of protostele having a solid strand of stele with the xylem on the inside encircled by phloem, pericycle, and endodermis. 单中柱:原生中柱的一种类型,是由韧皮部、中柱鞘和内皮层包围着内方的木质部构成的实心中柱。
- Cell-wall polysaccharides and pectic substances contained in the vesicles eontribute to growth of the new wall and middle lamella inside the sac. 小泡中所含的细胞壁多糖和果胶状物质对新细胞壁的生长和囊泡中间层的形成有重要的作用。
- Results With two columns of palisade tissue in mesophyll,there were epidermis,endodermis and pith. 结果根横切面次生构造不发达,有表皮、内皮层和髓部。
- Porokeratosis (PK) is a clonal disorder of keratinization that is histologically characterized by the presence of a cornoid lamella. 摘要PK是一群角化异常的疾病,病理下的特徵是可见所谓的角样板。
- The vascular bundles of the stem are arranged in a ring within a single endodermis and pericycle, giving a eustele. 茎内的维管束在皮层和中柱鞘内排列成环状,形成真中柱。
- A linguiform process possessing dense cilia and pits is found at the distal axis of each lamella. 嗅板远轴端有一纤毛和嗅孔密集的舌状游离突;
- A plant tissue characteristic of the roots, located between the endodermis and phloem. 中柱膜位于内皮层和韧皮层之间的根系的植物组织
- The functions, characteristics, application and perspects of MILER JSS sinter lamella filter have been recommended. 介绍了JSS系列波浪式塑烧除尘器的性能、特点、应用范围及其前景等。
- Interruptedly ranged stone cell rings and notable endodermis could be observed in its root.Calcium oxala... 结论以上性状和显微特征对毛秀才具有鉴别意义。
- Such fibers may have row-nucleated lamella superstructure and the paraffin oil exists in the interlamellar region. 这种部分结晶的弹性纤维可能具有平行排列的片晶结构,石蜡油存在于片晶之间。
- The for-mation of periderm is relatively late and cork cambium is come from the cortex cells which arenear endodermis. 周皮发生较迟,其木栓形成层由紧靠内皮层的皮层细胞产生。
- The reason that was failure is scar of between sclera lamella and bulbe r conjunctiva. 手术失败的主要原因是巩膜瓣间、球结膜瘢痕化。