- lamella embryonale 胚层
- Having the form of a thin plate or lamella. 薄片形的有薄片或鳃瓣状形体的。
- There is not lamella in the ingot. 钢锭没有明显的片层状组织。
- This is embryonal carcinoma mixed with teratoma. 这是混有畸胎瘤的胚胎癌。
- Here is an embryonal carcinoma of the testis. 睾丸胚胎癌,上方是正常的睾丸的边缘。
- Embryonal carcinoma is more aggressive than seminoma. 胚胎癌比精原细胞瘤侵袭性更强。
- Children born with BWS are at high risk for developing embryonal tumors. 出身时即有BWS的婴儿罹患胎儿肿瘤的危险非常高。
- Histological examination of the mass revealed embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma. 组织切片显示,此肿块是胚胎型横纹肌肉瘤。
- Die meisten traditionellen Feste Chinas hatten schon in der Qin-Dynastie (221-206 v. Chr.), der ersten einheitlichen und zentralisierten Dynastie in China, eine embryonale Form. 大多数的传统节日早在秦朝(公元前221-206年)(中国第一个统一的中央集权的朝代)就有了雏形。
- Cell-wall polysaccharides and pectic substances contained in the vesicles eontribute to growth of the new wall and middle lamella inside the sac. 小泡中所含的细胞壁多糖和果胶状物质对新细胞壁的生长和囊泡中间层的形成有重要的作用。
- Objective: To improve the understanding and diagnosis of embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of biliary tree in childhood. 目的:提高对小儿胆道胚胎型横纹肌肉瘤(萄状肉瘤)认识,减少误诊。
- Porokeratosis (PK) is a clonal disorder of keratinization that is histologically characterized by the presence of a cornoid lamella. 摘要PK是一群角化异常的疾病,病理下的特徵是可见所谓的角样板。
- A linguiform process possessing dense cilia and pits is found at the distal axis of each lamella. 嗅板远轴端有一纤毛和嗅孔密集的舌状游离突;
- Pathologic study revealed a cystic nephroma with foci of primitive, mesenchymal, undifferentiated, embryonal type sarcoma. 病理上显示为一囊肿性肾细胞瘤合并局部呈现原生间质性,未分化的,胚胎性的肉瘤变化。
- The functions, characteristics, application and perspects of MILER JSS sinter lamella filter have been recommended. 介绍了JSS系列波浪式塑烧除尘器的性能、特点、应用范围及其前景等。
- The tumor is classified into four subtypes: embryonal, botryoid, alveolar, and pleomorphic. 其病理型多属于胚胎型或肺泡型。
- Such fibers may have row-nucleated lamella superstructure and the paraffin oil exists in the interlamellar region. 这种部分结晶的弹性纤维可能具有平行排列的片晶结构,石蜡油存在于片晶之间。
- They often have several histologic components: seminoma, embryonal carcinoma, teratoma, choriocarcinoma. 通常有以下几种组织学构成:精原细胞瘤、胚胎癌、畸胎瘤、绒毛膜癌。
- The reason that was failure is scar of between sclera lamella and bulbe r conjunctiva. 手术失败的主要原因是巩膜瓣间、球结膜瘢痕化。
- Methods: The management of 2 children with embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma of the biliary tree was reviewed. 方法:对2例小儿胆道胚胎型横纹肌肉瘤的诊治经验教训进行分析,并复习有关文献。